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Decission Making & Farming [Looking for Help]

Creator: marcopk3 January 13, 2017 2:07pm
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Jan 13th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 13, 2017 2:07pm | Report
Hi there fellow players,

League of Legends is a game I've been playing since I was 13 years old, so basically for 6 years now.
I have only been able to reach gold once and I am currently looking at improving my play style.

My main lanes are Mid and ADC. (Ahri/Leblanc & Lucian/Jinx)

Currently I got placed in Silver 5 due to bad placement series, here I find myself having trouble with:

1. Farming, I lack farm almost every match, currently I am practicing on farming. Farming with Jinx goes very well (130-150 CS in 20 mins on average). Lucian goes a bit worse (100-130 CS in 20 mins), most farm I lack at mid, I find myself having trouble farming with Leblanc and Ahri.

2. Decission making. Later in the game I find myself making bad decissions or joining my teammates bad decission. For example doing dragon/baron at the wrong time & diving the enemy team at wrong times for example when they are doing dragon/baron. I don't find myself chasing, but I often die because I overpush or walk to far away from my teammates. I keep finding myself making this mistake, but this often goes unnoticed and I am not sure how I should deal with this.

3. Finding the best champion for me. I enjoy playing Ahri and Jinx more than Leblanc and Lucian this season, but still it feels as if I haven't found the 'perfect' champion to carry myself with. Any good idea's on how to improve with my current champions? Or should I explore for new champions I do find myself carrying a game with?

It would be awesome if someone could teach me or atleast tell me how to work on the following things, this season I want to focus on improving myself rather than reaching the Gold Division. If I find myself improving I should be able to climb up slowly instead of rushing it.

(Feel free to add me in-game on the EUW-server: ***** Bull)
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Jan 13th, 2017
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Nov 16th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2017 2:38pm | Report
Hello, I'd be glad to give a few tips for those issues. In my climb up the ladder I faced several of the same issues, but I learned that some small improvements can go a long way.


Your CS looks pretty good, especially on Jinx. Mastering last hitting is important and you're on the right track with that. To improve though, specifically in mid lane, the key is knowing when to farm.

If you can kill someone in a lane easily or if you get a gank from your jungler, great, but farming is something you should always be doing. It is a the most dependable source of gold - kills are something you have to risk your own life for. If your CS is the same as or above your enemy laner by the end of laning phase, consider it a job well done.

Decision Making

Decision making is a very difficult thing to grasp even in the highest elos. One of your problems seems to be that you end up going for plays with your team when you're unsure if they'll work out. To that, I respond you should do what you know is right. Don't take big risks if you don't know they'll end in success.

Is your team starting baron while enemies are still around? Thinking about diving one person when there may be backup around? Don't follow through with it and voice your concerns with pings or in chat. Throws are game-changing and you don't want lose a game you could've easily won because the other team got the drop on you so communicate that to your team.

As for being caught out, just stick by your teammates. Imagine League like a horror movie - you know what happens to people who go into the woods alone. Never overstay anywhere, and that goes for the whole team. If you do, enemies can pick you off or collapse on you when you're unprepared. Make safety your top priority especially as a squishy mage or ADC.

Lastly, one of the top ways I managed to climb was by watching VODs on YouTube from high-elo players. If I wanted to improve on a champion, I looked gameplay up online and saw what those players did then applied it to my own games.

The Perfect Champion

If you like a champion and do well with them, go for it! You'll probably get pretty far with them. With that being said, there's hardly ever a "perfect" champion for someone. Sure, there may be one that someone loves and is impressively skilled at, but there are always counters and they may not fit into certain team compositions. The ideal champion pool has at least a comfort pick, someone to deal with their counters, and one that has an element you're missing so that you can be ready for most situations.

Carrying should not be a priority as much as effectiveness. There are tons of ways a champion can influence the game other than getting tons of kills.

Take mid lane: there's Anivia with zone control, Ziggs with waveclear and objective taking, Swain with tankiness, Xerath with sustained damage and poke, etc.

The same goes for ADC. There are tons of options for different scenarios including Ezreal with mobility, Sivir with great teamfighting, Corki with mixed damage, Caitlyn with safety zoning, and the list goes on. As long as you can get your team closer to victory in some way you don't need tons of kills.

Here's a good website that may help you pick some new champions: Try out tons of champs or watch gameplay videos and see which ones you would do best at.

Best of luck in your quest to improve!

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Jan 13th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2017 4:47am | Report
Hello, I'd be glad to give a few tips for those issues. In my climb up the ladder I faced several of the same issues, but I learned that some small improvements can go a long way.


Your CS looks pretty good, especially on Jinx. Mastering last hitting is important and you're on the right track with that. To improve though, specifically in mid lane, the key is knowing when to farm.

If you can kill someone in a lane easily or if you get a gank from your jungler, great, but farming is something you should always be doing. It is a the most dependable source of gold - kills are something you have to risk your own life for. If your CS is the same as or above your enemy laner by the end of laning phase, consider it a job well done.

Decision Making

Decision making is a very difficult thing to grasp even in the highest elos. One of your problems seems to be that you end up going for plays with your team when you're unsure if they'll work out. To that, I respond you should do what you know is right. Don't take big risks if you don't know they'll end in success.

Is your team starting baron while enemies are still around? Thinking about diving one person when there may be backup around? Don't follow through with it and voice your concerns with pings or in chat. Throws are game-changing and you don't want lose a game you could've easily won because the other team got the drop on you so communicate that to your team.

As for being caught out, just stick by your teammates. Imagine League like a horror movie - you know what happens to people who go into the woods alone. Never overstay anywhere, and that goes for the whole team. If you do, enemies can pick you off or collapse on you when you're unprepared. Make safety your top priority especially as a squishy mage or ADC.

Lastly, one of the top ways I managed to climb was by watching VODs on YouTube from high-elo players. If I wanted to improve on a champion, I looked gameplay up online and saw what those players did then applied it to my own games.

The Perfect Champion

If you like a champion and do well with them, go for it! You'll probably get pretty far with them. With that being said, there's hardly ever a "perfect" champion for someone. Sure, there may be one that someone loves and is impressively skilled at, but there are always counters and they may not fit into certain team compositions. The ideal champion pool has at least a comfort pick, someone to deal with their counters, and one that has an element you're missing so that you can be ready for most situations.

Carrying should not be a priority as much as effectiveness. There are tons of ways a champion can influence the game other than getting tons of kills.

Take mid lane: there's Anivia with zone control, Ziggs with waveclear and objective taking, Swain with tankiness, Xerath with sustained damage and poke, etc.

The same goes for ADC. There are tons of options for different scenarios including Ezreal with mobility, Sivir with great teamfighting, Corki with mixed damage, Caitlyn with safety zoning, and the list goes on. As long as you can get your team closer to victory in some way you don't need tons of kills.

Here's a good website that may help you pick some new champions: Try out tons of champs or watch gameplay videos and see which ones you would do best at.

Best of luck in your quest to improve!

I really appreciate the time you took to read and reply on my topic.

It's good to hear I'm doing fine at farming, I try to keep up with my opponent, usually this works out well! I definitely improved my farming skills the last couple of months.

Decission making is the difference between silver, gold and higher divisions from what I've noticed. I'm trying to work on it, but I notice this is the part I need to improve on the most.

I've looked up some Ahri video's and Amumu video's, they already helped me a lot for example at farming and ganking. As well as I never thought about using ahri's Q for the movement speed to return to my lane quicker!

Thank you for all your help!

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