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Do runes and masteries make a huge difference?

Creator: Bigman812 December 20, 2010 12:03pm
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Dec 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2010 12:03pm | Report
I just started playing this game about 2 or 3 weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it. I built up some IP and decided to pick a hero with the play style I enjoy and buy them. I chose Olaf. I don't regret it yet as I do like his style of play. In your face and brutal. I am, however, having difficulty getting a winning record in a game. Usually end with something like 3-6 or 2-5. Occasionally I can get an even k/d for a round. I'm only level 10 and I can't help but wonder that if having all these runes and masteries that higher level players have would give me that push I need to get in the positive k/d range. Is this something that really makes a difference or did I maybe pick an underpowered hero. Or, am I just doing it wrong. I suppose that's entirely possible...
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2010 1:01pm | Report
Runes and masteries don't make a huge difference but they do give you a very easily discernable early game edge. Don't get any runes until level 20 for the tier 3 runes, the rest is a waste of IP. You're probably just messing up here and there but looking back at what you could've done easily makes you a better player rather than constantly playing games just trying to hurt people.

Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2010 2:45pm | Report
Now B-Wong, I'd have to disagree with you there. A mid-ELO player with full runes and masteries could probably take on HotshotGG or Reginald if the latter were forced to play without either. In addition, jungling is nearly impossible at early summoner levels unless taking Heal, and even then, it's a lot slower and more dangerous. I've found that a difference of even two mastery points can mean dying to Lizard at level 3 or killing it and moving on to ganks.

The thing is, at level 10, you're also playing with other people that are probably also under level 20 and haven't gotten sufficient runes/masteries to rack up a huge advantage. The reason you're losing is, and I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, shoddy personal mistakes. Of course, that's what the level 1-20 period is - a time to learn how to play better; to know when to retreat, push, etc. Olaf doesn't have to be all "in-your-face" all the time, for example.

Basically I'd recommend to learn from your mistakes and as B-Wong said, not to spend any IP on runes until level 20.
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2010 3:20pm | Report

Now B-Wong, I'd have to disagree with you there. A mid-ELO player with full runes and masteries could probably take on HotshotGG or Reginald if the latter were forced to play without either. In addition, jungling is nearly impossible at early summoner levels unless taking Heal, and even then, it's a lot slower and more dangerous. I've found that a difference of even two mastery points can mean dying to Lizard at level 3 or killing it and moving on to ganks.

The thing is, at level 10, you're also playing with other people that are probably also under level 20 and haven't gotten sufficient runes/masteries to rack up a huge advantage. The reason you're losing is, and I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, shoddy personal mistakes. Of course, that's what the level 1-20 period is - a time to learn how to play better; to know when to retreat, push, etc. Olaf doesn't have to be all "in-your-face" all the time, for example.

Basically I'd recommend to learn from your mistakes and as B-Wong said, not to spend any IP on runes until level 20.

Yes, the thing is I'm talking about runes within his skill level. If he's playing other lvl 10s then runes would give him an edge but it's only going to be clear early game. Later, as he levels up and becomes better, the runes will still show a clear early game edge (jungling, etc.) but if he has any runes at all at later levels, it's going to be at the same rate as players he's playin gagainst. It'll stay evened out.

Bigman812's Forum Avatar
Dec 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2010 5:06pm | Report
I was pretty sure it was my own playing that gets me killed half the time. After I die, I usually can see what I should've done instead. I was more or less wondering if runes made a huge difference. I was buying Tier 2 runes hoping that it would help, but I'll wait now. No sense in blowing my IP on things I'm going to replace anyways.

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