Dragon. Meta game. Close mindedness.
End thread plox.
End thread plox.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
TheOtherWiggan wrote:
Is the typical set up Solo Top, Solo mid, Duo Bot, Jungler? I understand the importance of having the Jungler. But why duo bot and not top? Is there a reason, or is it like one of those understood hinges that pros get and news like me don't.
Cmon, Duff, that answer is barely understandable
It works like this: you have a support bot, and the support player is the person who most places wards around, and it's easier to ward dragon this way since the jungler kills that monster constantly

what thejohn says. having your wards protecting dragon is such a big plus, and who else other than your support will provide it? I sometimes **** around and switch it up just to be silly. If you have a good combo they'll own top, but make sure your solo will handle 2 at bottom.

Click +Rep if you thought I was helpful please! Also check out my Ryze build!
I will Ryze to the occasion... hur hur
Kantelar wrote:
Seems DuffTime is a "LOL God" haha.
More like a prophet!
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
I'd like to add that people like to break the metagame up and do send duo bot up against a solo top. As a result, the solo is pretty much behind and HAS to deal 1v2 because if the surprised team even dares to swap lanes, not only will the caught off solo lane be behind in level and cs but so will the the duo lane too. If you're going to run duo top, you need to be really aggressive to deny the enemy top laner. If it's time for dragon to roll around, the duo top needs to be ready to haul *** down to it because that's really the big kicker for running duo top.
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