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Evelynn - Jungler [Help]

Creator: Ririko December 25, 2014 10:16pm
Ririko's Forum Avatar
Dec 25th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 25, 2014 10:16pm | Report
So I researched that Evelynn is suitable to be a jungler. So I tested her on jungling. But I refrain jungling because she is easily get crushed by the Blue Golem.

The question is, how does she jungle? What routes? What runes? I'm having trouble from using Evelynn when it comes to jungling because I don't know what skills to use on jungling, but she is clearly fine at laning.

Thanks for asking. :)
~Ririko [Lv30 - Server: Philippines (Garena)]
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 26, 2014 2:37pm | Report
I don't know about the 'fine at laning' part, she can, but it's hardly good-great.

Runes and masteries I used to run on Evelynn back in S4 looked something like this.

(x9 Flat AD Marks, x9 Scaling/Flat armor of your choice Seals, x9 Flat AP Glyphs, x3 Flat AP Quints)

The reason you run both AP and AD through masteries and runes is due to your kit scaling well with both, also blue and quint AD equivalents are somewhat weaker than the AP ones.

Build usually looks like

Stalker's Blade+ Enchantment: Warrior, Mobility Boots, Maw of Malmortius, Randuin's Omen, Banshee's Veil, Sightstone/ Ruby Sightstone.

Maw is typically the only damage item you'll build due to it offering decent defensive stats as well as the offensive ones, as pure damage Evelynn isn't as good as it used to be. Sightstone depends on whether or not you need the extra vision control for counter jungling, counter ganking, or watching dragon/baron. The idea behind eve jungle now is to attempt soft resetting camps with Hate Spikes I'd imagine to keep yourself at a good enough spot health wise to clear both major buffs and two minor camps.
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