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Creator: panda-man August 22, 2011 7:28am
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panda-man's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 7:28am | Report
Hello world!
I'm a level 8 player, I have 2800 IP, and I'm looking to buy a new champion.
I've been playing for about a week, so I got to play with nearly all 20 free champions.
I'm looking for a champion that will kill quickly(I hate long, tiring fights... especially in team fights...) that's probably the most important thing.
I played mostly with master yi- sometimes I lose big time, for other times I kicked ***... no consistency).
I also played with caitlyn, I enjoyed shooting from far away, but at the late game I couldn't take out most champions, especially in team fights, where most of the times I just wasn't able to be the back line.

So basically what I'm asking, is what champion will be best suited for killing quickly(probably an assassin) at most parts of the game (a champion that is great in late game isnt that good, cause if he's too weak, I wont make it to the late game...)

UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 7:40am | Report
Most champions are good at killing if you know how to use them and are good.
My name is Havok.
And yes, your mother loves me.

Check out my Katarina guide!
+rep me because I am awesome.

Thanks to jhoijhoi!
ss192's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 7:41am | Report
First thing, not buy any champ without trying.
These champs are worth trying.
Twisted Fate

Most champions are good at killing if you know how to use them and are good.

+1 to that. But that isn't easy with supports.
UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 11:39am | Report
ss192 wrote:

First thing, not buy any champ without trying.
These champs are worth trying.
Twisted Fate

+1 to that. But that isn't easy with supports.

Twisted Fate is definitely not an easy champ to play well, and I certainly don't recommend him to new players. He is a rewarding champion to master imo, but he is extremely squishy and hard to play and time his skills.

Tryndamere isn't that difficult, he's not easy to master either but not too hard to dod ecent with. Just knowing when to time his ult and general gameplay and strategy takes a bit of practice. A good champ though.

Easier Champs:
Master Yi
and idk I'm not really good at listing easy champions because it takes skill and practice to really excel at any of them.

Just play free champs until you find some you really like and buy one of them and practice them.
My name is Havok.
And yes, your mother loves me.

Check out my Katarina guide!
+rep me because I am awesome.

Thanks to jhoijhoi!
UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 11:40am | Report
Oh, and supports are different gameplay and aren't really meant to get a bunch of kils, same with tanks. They can however, I've carried games with Rammus and Soraka before. lol
My name is Havok.
And yes, your mother loves me.

Check out my Katarina guide!
+rep me because I am awesome.

Thanks to jhoijhoi!
panda-man's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 1:35pm | Report
Ok, though twisted fate looks awesome- I doubt he will do any good without a serious tier 3 rune page.
I already bought Ryze, he has some nice combos, but unfortunately in the late game he is pretty useless.
I now have about 3000IP, with tommorow first win of the day- that's enough to buy a good champion.
Of course Ill try the free ones first, but from looking around the web, I think I want katarina or akali.
Any favors for either of them?
I mean, they are pretty similar in some way(kind of flash in,nuke,run away), its hard to decide which is better...
and once again, thanks for all the help!
UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2011 2:22pm | Report
panda-man wrote:

Ok, though twisted fate looks awesome- I doubt he will do any good without a serious tier 3 rune page.
I already bought Ryze, he has some nice combos, but unfortunately in the late game he is pretty useless.
I now have about 3000IP, with tommorow first win of the day- that's enough to buy a good champion.
Of course Ill try the free ones first, but from looking around the web, I think I want katarina or akali.
Any favors for either of them?
I mean, they are pretty similar in some way(kind of flash in,nuke,run away), its hard to decide which is better...
and once again, thanks for all the help!

That's not true about Twisted Fate. Playing at your level no one can possibly have Tier 3 runes so you will be at the same disadvantage as everyone else. I'm level 30 and don't have hardly any runes and still have wrecked with Twisted Fate. I've also failed with him, because like I said he is difficult to master.

Also, Ryze is not useless late game. I agree that he doesn't have as strong of a late game as other champs, but his early and mid game makes up for that. He's probably one of, if not the, tankiest casters out there. Just gotta learn how to play him right.

I remember when I first started playing there were a few champions I thought just outright sucked. Then I saw some one who knew what they were doing playing. Even recently, I was never a fan of Sivir. Then I saw some one dominate with her. I'm still not a fan, but it just goes to show that any champ can do good if played right.

I'll let you know now, Akali and Katarina aren't the easiest champs to play. But, they can completely wreck if fed and playing with people who don't know how to go against them. I've never played either of those champs, but I've seen many others use them. The ones who are good, usually dominate. Some one else could probably give you a better idea on them though, seeing as I haven't played them personally.
My name is Havok.
And yes, your mother loves me.

Check out my Katarina guide!
+rep me because I am awesome.

Thanks to jhoijhoi!
eternalShuckle's Forum Avatar
Aug 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2011 11:22am | Report
the thing about katarina is that when you play against good people with any type of hard CC, your ult basically doesn't exist, and if you get a banshees veil, the mana portion is wasted and you feel bad. Katarina was actually the first champ I bought, and I never play her now at all. My second buy was Shaco and he is awesome at sneaky ganky kills, and is way more fun than kat (but not in your price range...)


perhaps take a go on jax. he scales AMAZINGLY with items into the late game, he can kill people fast, and he doesn't die quickly like some other speed kill champs. He isn't a nuke though.

LeBlanc is amazing as an early/mid game burst for the win champ, but I'm not so sure about her late game scaling.

and don't feel pressured to buy a 3150 champ. 1350s can be amazing, or it might be worth it to wait a week and buy a 6300.

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