Duo queue with a friend THAT YOU TRUST. It is MUCH easier carrying 3 baddies as 2 people than carrying 4 baddies as 1 person. And playing support... Meh. Unless it`s with your duo queue partner, or if it is one of those supports that can win the lane easily ( Sona and Alistar, for example ), don`t bother with support.
Play characters that YOU are good at. Even if that means you play Veigar when Brand is free to pick, pick Veigar if you`re better with him. As long as he can pubstomp some kids, I`d be fine having someone doing good on my team.
Just learn and practice your mechanics. If you realize you aren`t last hitting as well as everybody else, take a break and play some normals. Practice your mechanics. You may think they`re good, but in reality it`s your first game of the day and you`re playing utterly terrible.
Play champs that not only you are good at, but can pubstomp an entire team. Usually, this means everything OTHER than support. Play a good jungler ( Such as nocturne ), AP Carry, AD Carry, or a good solo top ( Such as Irelia ) and that champ should be one that can carry your entire team, dishing out as much damage as possible, and either tanking a lot of damage or dealing damage from far away.
Good examples of these pubstomping champions? Nocturne, Irelia, Udyr, Gangplank, Brand, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Graves. Any character that does a lot of damage, is a hyper carry, and for the solo tops+junglers, can take a lot of damage as well.
And a decrease of 150ELO in 5 matches? Are you on your 40ELO bonus still? Jesus.
Play characters that YOU are good at. Even if that means you play Veigar when Brand is free to pick, pick Veigar if you`re better with him. As long as he can pubstomp some kids, I`d be fine having someone doing good on my team.
Just learn and practice your mechanics. If you realize you aren`t last hitting as well as everybody else, take a break and play some normals. Practice your mechanics. You may think they`re good, but in reality it`s your first game of the day and you`re playing utterly terrible.
Play champs that not only you are good at, but can pubstomp an entire team. Usually, this means everything OTHER than support. Play a good jungler ( Such as nocturne ), AP Carry, AD Carry, or a good solo top ( Such as Irelia ) and that champ should be one that can carry your entire team, dishing out as much damage as possible, and either tanking a lot of damage or dealing damage from far away.
Good examples of these pubstomping champions? Nocturne, Irelia, Udyr, Gangplank, Brand, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Graves. Any character that does a lot of damage, is a hyper carry, and for the solo tops+junglers, can take a lot of damage as well.
And a decrease of 150ELO in 5 matches? Are you on your 40ELO bonus still? Jesus.
Lovin the sig Xiao! <3
You probably thought you weren't in ELO hell at 1500. Nope, Chuck Testa.
The language of friendship is not words, but meanings.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-
Short and sweet guide.
/Ignore all.
Duo Q with someone you know.
Don't let your temper get the best of you.
Three easy steps.
/Ignore all.
Duo Q with someone you know.
Don't let your temper get the best of you.
Three easy steps.
If you're good, play with lower ELO friend, have first pick, take what you want and carry. If you suck, stay there.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-
Basically what Zoki said, luckily enough I am in ELO Heaven. And that guide is also really really good. Just keep playing, and getting better.
Thanks to Koksei, The_Nameless_Bard,JhoiJhoi, LaCorpse, JEFFY40HANDS and myself for the signatures! I am also a certified gangster.
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Really I just want tips on how to get out of this best, or also how to carry as any champ. (Especially when I'm forced to support, and then whole team doesn't know how to play correctly... How do I carry then?)
So can anybody tutor me or help me get up to the ELO where people actually know how to play?