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Level ~13 Player, looking to improve my Early...

Creator: BetaNights May 28, 2016 2:23am
BetaNights's Forum Avatar
May 28th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2016 2:23am | Report
Hallo, friends! Ok, so I am a Jungler main. I play off and on with my friends here and there, so I'm only around Level 12 or something at the moment. Despite playing League for a decent while, a lot was random bot matches with friends or something similar when we were all new.

That being said, I want to improve and at least get up to Level 30 so I can take full advantage of my Runes and Masteries and stuff, so I don't feel like a deadweight when I play with my friends who are more used to and skilled at the game.

Anyway, I think my problem lies in my early game, where I lack sustain in my first clear or so. Until I get a few levels or at least a Hunter's Potion or something, I tend to just get damaged far to much by simple Jungle creep camps. I did a practice game by myself with a bunch of bots (mostly for mechanical practice) and I noticed my deaths early on were primarily against creeps where I lacked sustain to take a camp easily.

It doesn't help that the champions I tend to like to play are fairly squishy, especially in their early game. I main Kha'zix, and I also use Kindred and Rammus somewhat frequently. I recently grabbed Rek'sai, and I play Riven when I can't Jungle. Other than Rammus (and Riven once she begins to build and snowball), most of my main champs are squishy, as I said. And I don't know how to combat this or improve it.

Can anyone give me any advice on where to start? I would pick up some tankier Junglers for the time being, just to learn and level up and stuff, but I'd rather stick with Junglers I intend to use or main, so I can get better with them. With the Jungle harder than it used to be a couple Seasons ago, this is somewhat difficult...

Anyway, sorry for rambling! I appreciate the help!
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Jul 24th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2016 4:34am | Report
First off, I want to complement you on looking for help. There are many people out there who will be too stubborn to look for help or simply give help. So ya done good forest.

Secondly, I offer a free coaching service in which I go through a few of your games and give you advice based on what I noticed. If you're interested, check this.

I do want to mention that jungle is not the easiest role to learn, so you have to decide now whether you're really dedicated to learn how to jungle. Otherwise, ADC or Mid are better options.

- Penita13

Thanks to myself for the signature ^^
Check out my Xerath guide
BetaNights's Forum Avatar
May 28th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2016 3:24pm | Report
Thank you for the response! To your last point, I really want to main Jungle as it's the role I've always enjoyed the most (as well as most of my favorite champions being Junglers).

Despite being low level at the moment, I used to do quite well in the Jungle! But since I mostly play casually with friends (who are better than me at the game, lol), I went a long period without playing. And as you know, the Jungle has changed quite a bit over time.

I simply find myself in more trouble vs. Jungle creeps than I ever used to, which is troublesome since most of the Junglers I use are fairly squishy, with only Rammus and maybe Rek'sai being a bit less so. I'm just trying to figure out how to adapt.

I'm sure once I can get better Runes and Masteries, that will help since I'll have more Armor, Lifesteal, etc., but for the time being it's a slight problem.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply! I'll look into my options!

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