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Masteries Question?

Creator: capi December 7, 2010 7:18pm
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Nov 23rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2010 7:18pm | Report

I've been wondering a few things about masteries. Majority of the builds on this site go 21/0/9 for say like, Warwick, or same with say Miss Fortune. Anyway, I was watching a stream of ELO play a few days ago, and noticed, that when jungling, the guy doesnt take 21 in offense, but instead does a 1/10/10 (he was using Warwick by the way). Then a few matches later, while laning, he took a 0/9/21 mastery build (I think that was with Corki?).

So my question is, why is he building masteries this way? Is it better to go more defense/utility, or maybe another reason for his choices? I'm level 20, and far from pro, but was curious about this as I try to use the builds on here and for the champs I use, it seems like its always 21 pts in offense (I know b/c of the champs I use) while this guy is using different masteries with same champs.

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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2010 7:38pm | Report
The thing about masteries is that there is no "best" way to set them out. If you mix and match different sections you can achieve better results then simply filling out a whole tree.
You say Warwick did 1/10/10 (you meant 10/10/10?) he probably wanted to get the increased buff duration in utility, dodge in defense, and maybe ArP in offense. If he had just filled out one tree he would have missed out on opportunities to buff the way he plays. If that makes sense.

capi's Forum Avatar
Nov 23rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2010 8:02pm | Report
Yea, it wasnt 1/10/10, it was 1/20/9. I know for warwick you want atleast 9/10 in utility for experience and buff skills. He went 1 in offense for improved smite, then rest in defense.

So is this a normal thing from higher level players? Since I'm level 20, would it maybe be better for me to go more into the defensive tree for jungling (after the initial 9 or 10 in utility and the 1 in offense)? How about for laning w/ Miss Fortune, more into utility than offensive tree with some defensive tree mixed in?

I come from 6 or 7 years of world of warcraft, so messing with the trees to get better outcome is a natural thing, but in this case, with all the builds for my champs (Nunu, Ryze, Warwick, Shaco, MF) they are always 21/?/?. After looking at the offensive skills, doesn't seem like you get much from them other than archaic knowledge.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2010 8:20pm | Report
Sometimes it is better to forgo getting 21 in a certain mastery in favor of a better one. Junglers should almost always obtain 30% extended buff duration - so much so that it is usually worth not getting the 4% damage reduction in defense or the 5% increased damage in offense. Reaching certain goals, like improved Flash, 15% magic penetration, or Nimbleness is preferable to maxing out a mastery tree for some champions.

Also, a personal question: I'm summoner level 22 in game (GASP -_-) and am currently playing a Jungle Amumu. Right now, my masteries are 0/12/10, getting improved monster buff duration in utility. That much is obvious. I'm a bit torn on the defense tree though - right now I have 3 in armor and I get Nimbleness and the reduced damage from minions. I want to know if it may be better to invest in health regeneration instead of dodge chance.
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2010 8:21pm | Report
Mix and match is basically the best way to go, grab what you want in a tree then GTFO!! haha I kid but you really don't need to get a 21/x/x. For casters, you would want the offense 9 (Archaic Knowledge) then the rest in defense is pretty smart (What use is a all your damage is you're dead?!) but that means you'll have to conserve mana.

@Jebus: I'm no pro Amumu player but one of his skills relies on him being hit? So maybe grab the reduced damage points in favour of dodge? (You'd need to play more carefully though =D)
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Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2010 8:36pm | Report
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. I'll try that. Still, I'm just remembering this game I had about 2 hours ago where I was fighting Lizard and I overestimated my health - I was at 80 health, he was at about 300. He hit me once, I fell to 34. I was attacking, he was at around 200. He attacked one more time - I was prepared to die - *dodge*. I killed him and blue pilled back. It was a very happy moment for me.

Although I suppose I would have killed him much faster if I had just played better to begin with. :P

Thanks for the advice.
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2010 12:54am | Report
Masteries are always set for particular reasons, for example i go mainly 21/9/0 for physicals, why coz i have dodge seals and i live Nimbleness when dodging. Many ppl dont have those runes so they go 21/0/9 for exp boost and so on. This is also kind of a choice, for most new ppl 21/0/9 WW is good but i try to prove that 20/0/10 is way better coz of the 15% buff duration vs 5% base damage boost.

Masteries are like summoner spells, more of a personal choice. There are builds that are always good like 9/0/21 for casters, that is why you see them very often.
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Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!
capi's Forum Avatar
Nov 23rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2010 10:49am | Report
DEWO wrote:

Masteries are always set for particular reasons, for example i go mainly 21/9/0 for physicals, why coz i have dodge seals and i live Nimbleness when dodging. Many ppl dont have those runes so they go 21/0/9 for exp boost and so on. This is also kind of a choice, for most new ppl 21/0/9 WW is good but i try to prove that 20/0/10 is way better coz of the 15% buff duration vs 5% base damage boost.

Masteries are like summoner spells, more of a personal choice. There are builds that are always good like 9/0/21 for casters, that is why you see them very often.

Yea, last night I went with a jungling Warwick (Love your guide by the way DEWO), and instead of going full offense after the 10 in utility for XP boost (although I don't have all 30 points yet), I tried a 1/9/10 instead. Went 1 in offense for imp Smite, 9 in defense for nimble and then 10 for 2/2 XP boost. As for runes I use ArP reds/quints, Armor Yellows and CDR blues. Well, usually using your ww jungling guide, I end up @ level 4, kind of low hp and no HP pots (I'm new to jungling fyi lol). But with the added dodge % and nimbleness, I was level 4, above 60% HP and managed to get a double kill on top lane who were extending way too far. Blue pilled back and had a smile on my face b/c I actually accomplished something that I always wanted to :)

After looking at the utility tree more, I'm thinking of going a bit more into it for mana regen with the MF build that I have been using. As of now, I've been 20 in offense(again, I'm only level 20), but always run out of mana when getting harassed or harassing mid lane. Maybe I'll go a mix of offense/utility? Get the ArP/Atk Spd and better mana regen (I'm using ArP reds/quint, Atk Spd yellows and mana regen blues per a guide on here).

Anyway, thanks for explaining these mastery choices better to me, I'm ready to mix it up and see what happens :)

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