You probably won't encounter people following the meta regularly until at least level 25~. I don't know what it's like in draft pick because draft pick normals didn't exist when I was below 30.
LeBlanc basically defines crazy aggressive AP.
Ryze are all really strong. And more that I can't think of.


Board-line overly aggressive spamming spells non-stop in an attempt to zone out your enemy laner? Sounds like
Cassiopeia all over.
I wouldn't really put
Ryze into consideration as early game hes fairly weak and pre-level 9 all he really wants to do is farm and can't really afford to put that much pressure on the enemy laner till he gets Banshee.
Ahri can play fairly aggressive as she usually comes out on top in trades due to her passive -
Essence Theft and being very mobile comes in use in escaping ganks when playing aggresive from her ultimate
Spirit Rush although it did get hit by a recent nerf.
I reckon
Veigar is another good chose, as soon as he hits 6 he can practically do his one-shot combo
Event Horizon >
Dark Matter >
Primordial Burst >
Baleful Strike after you've chucked them with some harass (later when you
Deathfire Grasp you can perform it better). You may enjoy
Brand too.

I wouldn't really put

I reckon

If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
I didn't say he was aggressive, just strong. He's also 450 IP which is certainly a big bonus when you're level 9.
You might want to consider
Annie as well for another cheap AP. She's not the strongest right now but she's still okay and and has one of the strongest bursts in the game.
You might want to consider

i play
Ryze really aggressively as soon as i hit lvl 3 with level 2
Overload. anyways you want to be angry and aggressive right? well give
you just need ap champs that can really lay on some pain brah. try out all of them is my suggestion. I think in general it depends on how aggressive YOU play, not just the champion :)

you just need ap champs that can really lay on some pain brah. try out all of them is my suggestion. I think in general it depends on how aggressive YOU play, not just the champion :)

Click +Rep if you thought I was helpful please! Also check out my Ryze build!
I will Ryze to the occasion... hur hur
I didn't say that you said he was aggressive? I simply stated the fact that he would very likely not suit the desired play-style of the OP.
To the person above me, even with a full mana page your going to lose that trade badly against most AP mids, also at level 3 you can't take full advantage of his passive and combo rotations.
Fiddlesticks gets crushed by most strong AP mids due to out-ranging and some having means to interrupt his
Bountiful Harvest with ease.
To the person above me, even with a full mana page your going to lose that trade badly against most AP mids, also at level 3 you can't take full advantage of his passive and combo rotations.

If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
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So I'm lvl 9, and I've been trying a lot of champs, but they've been mostly bruisers, tanky-dps, carries and support. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for a AP champ that fits my style of play. what is my style of play you ask, well aggressive, borderline overly aggressive. So please gimme some suggestions so I can try them out now so when I get to 20, and runes etc., I have a better grasp on the champs I like.
Also so far I've been doing blind solo q, and I really want to get games that have people doing the metagame that is in use now, for practice, but so far no one does it. So i was curious when do people start getting into the metagame in use or if I were to go draft pick if that would help any.