Try more like 3 days or so Lugi T_T
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
what i find is that leona's best ability is her w the 70 added to both your mr and armor is nice while the damge it deals is extremely high so it find it best to go q-w-e-w-w-r-w-q-e-w-r-q-e-r-q-e build wise i go health regin pendant into a philosephers stone then i get mercury treads and warmogs the rest all depends on how the match is goiing and who you are up against. i find a frozen mallet is great after getting good armor and mr for being able to do so damage and pull more agro from the enemy. now as for ability use q helps who you are laning with get a kill early if you find you partners are not compatent enough get you w first it can keep you alive and possibly your lane-mate. i find when you get your ult up if you q into it you can double stun and get the kill to do this pop q and w then e into your target as soon as the stun lands pop your r to do massive damage and get them out of the lane or off a team mate and if the are low enough even kill them.
The way I level her skills is Q-E-W-Q-Q-R-Q-E-Q-E-R-E-E-W-W-R-W-W because she needs her cooldowns to be low and leveling Q and E will lower its cooldowns; however, leveling W will not lower the cooldown. Before you start leveling your W you will not tank that much but if you do, 30 extra magic resist and armor will suffice if you are getting tank items.
You use your E to initiate or to get in the battle, you either want to use your W before hand so that when you get in it'll explode or you can after you get in so that you tank for a higher duration. Use Q to crowd control anyone you think you can secure a kill on or prevent from harming your team. Use your R to disrupt the enemy team so yours can pick them off while they scurry away from being slowed/stunned.
You use your E to initiate or to get in the battle, you either want to use your W before hand so that when you get in it'll explode or you can after you get in so that you tank for a higher duration. Use Q to crowd control anyone you think you can secure a kill on or prevent from harming your team. Use your R to disrupt the enemy team so yours can pick them off while they scurry away from being slowed/stunned.
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