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New player with some questions

Creator: StalkingButler December 7, 2014 5:13pm
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 10:05am | Report
Mid lane is mechanically a very challenging lane, and decisively as well once you throw in the potential of junglers so it'll take a bit of practice for it.

To start Cass is a very strong level 2 champ due to Noxious Blast reducing Twin Fang's CD to 0.5 seconds each cast so long as the poison is on you. It's true that Noxious Blast has a very small window to react and attempt to avoid it, and there are several champs that have those sorts of abilities. All you can really do is attempt to anticipate it and play cautious while it is up.

Last hitting in general can be made much easier with the combo masteries Butcher + Feast which not only help with getting the finishing blow, but also heal you when you do. In normal games beyond level 20(this is where junglers started to actually be a threat for me when I leveled) try to be wary of where your lane is in terms of wave pressure. If you can try to avoid pushing your wave with Dark Spheres to make it less likely you'll get ganked.

Rule of Thumb to last hitting under tower.

Melee take Two Tower Shots & One Auto with/without Butcher to finish off

Caster take One Tower Shot & Two autos with/without Butcher to finish off. Auto once before tower shot hits, then again. Unless your minion wave is present.

Cannon/"Cadillacs" Take Six Tower shots, I never attempt to secure them with autos due to the possibility of missing them, I generally use a spell to guarantee the secure. But if you don't have the CDS to manage this, I believe they can take two autos. the first one just being thrown in during the tower shots, last one to finish it off. Disregard hitting it before finishing blow if your minions are present.

Mastery Page I recommend when playing an AP mid champ.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
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