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Newbie Looking For Mentor (+ is it too late to...

Creator: Dokibi April 15, 2017 3:07pm
Dokibi's Forum Avatar
Apr 15th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2017 3:07pm | Report
Hi there! My in-game name is Aethena and since level 1 (I'm now level 17), I have just played against bots. I actually do pretty terribly in intermediate bots, which is why I have not tried PvP, but then recently I saw online that people recommended to start at level 6... and as you can see, I'm way pass that. So, maybe it is too late for me to start PvPing now that everyone will be ahead of me in terms of skill?
I usually play Ahri or Jinx, I've tried Garen before, but I really disliked it, so I went back to these two. I follow mobafire guides on here, so I think I am using the proper masteries and buying the right items, but I'm just not doing well in general, I usually only get 2-3 kills in intermediate... I would really appreciate if someone could guide me on how to become a better player. Thank you in advance!
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2017 3:22pm | Report
It's not too late dw. A lot of people play bots until like level 30 so I doubt you're far behind. Nobody's gonna be really good before lvl 30 anyway. Just play PvP a lot and you'll get the hang of it eventually :)
Dokibi's Forum Avatar
Apr 15th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2017 3:48pm | Report
It's not too late dw. A lot of people play bots until like level 30 so I doubt you're far behind. Nobody's gonna be really good before lvl 30 anyway. Just play PvP a lot and you'll get the hang of it eventually :)

Oh okay, thanks, I'll keep practicing then. The first time I went PvP, I got absolutely butchered haha, so I thought I had made a terrible mistake by waiting too long :p.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2017 4:22pm | Report
Might be able to find someone to play with on the Mobafire discord, though most people are probably already level 30 and ranked :)

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2017 12:52pm | Report
Getting butchered happens, especially early on as the system doesn't know at all what level of opponents to put you up against.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
ibrius's Forum Avatar
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Nov 10th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 3:32am | Report

Well you ar just starting playing and you will keep leveling if you are doing bad with bots i suggest you to continue with bots for a bit.

I have few tips and advice for you:

-First you shouldn't care about kills at the beggining and you can also mute the chat.

You should first focus on farm you play Ahri and jinx thus adc and mid lane where the farm is very important
You should then learn to last hit and farm well learn also to farm under turret which can be difficult from time to time with your turret hit.


After learning how to farm you should learn how to safely farm don't go overboard or farm under enemy turret when you can die.
Basically when you feel that you are in danger (even if you are not ) follow that feeling and retreat a little to be more in safety around your own tower.


Play easy champion : easy champions are generally tanks by playing a tank even if you are having a very bad game you won't be useless and can be the one engaging the enemy team in team fight.
Tanks are the best for new players and are really strong late game.
Even if you feed early if you farm correctly you will get stronger and stronger bronze silver gold game tend to be around 30 min trust me after 30 min you probably get full build and nobody will be able to kill you or it will be extremely difficult to do so.

Prioritize Armor items and Magic resist items
Health items are good but don't scale as much as armor or Rm

Check your enemy team sor the items if you see them full AD composition so champion that do attack damage go for full armor
If they are Ap which is magic damage then go for RM

Usually the teams are AD with the midlaner AP so what you can do is buy RM boots the rest of the items are 4 health/armor with 1 item health/RM

With this you will be more relax playing until gold

The champions you can choose to play are all tank champions from malphite to even ekko who can be a top tank lot of champions can be played tank nowadays.

Try to not play champions with a lot of skill shots like Ahri or Ezrael if you can't land them properly first learn basics then learn skill shots

-Bonus tip for higher level.

This is for PvP not against bots
Map awerness : Basically you need to buy ward and constantly check your map and your opponent for example you are playing top you see the enemy jungler bot you thus know that if he want to gank you he will need at least 30 sec so you can play more aggressive for the next 20 sec
Each lane have 15 sec mark so from mid if the juggler is top or bot you have 15 sec before the jungler probably come to you lane when he gank an other

Hope having helped if you have any questions I will be around :)
Pure Panphobia
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Mar 13th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 11, 2017 7:32am | Report
If you're on NA, please feel free message me your summoner name and I'll be happy to give you some advice and some coaching. My Main role is Jungle, my off role is Mid. Of course I have experience in all roles but these 2 are my preference and therein I will be the most help in those areas.

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