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Organized Sheet For New Players - Keep Your...

Creator: RinaNichole October 16, 2014 10:25am
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Oct 2nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2014 10:25am | Report
After looking up builds and item sets when I was back at level 5 or so, I made a google doc that I could print out and write builds down on.

Click here for the doc!

I can honestly say it's really helpful for learning champs to start out, or if you have a large selection you want to learn. Having a paper copy of the Moba (or your build/guide site of choice)'s builds in front of you so you don't have to tab out is super helpful.

While it is meant for printing, if you want to type into the document, PM me your email and I'll send you a word file that you can save to your desktop and edit around yourself!
Ideas for how the sheet could change? Feel free to let me know that too. I can also make edits for specific sheets, if you'd like them.

If it helps, let me know and give me a Rep!
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Aug 5th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 28, 2014 1:50pm | Report
I am more of an electronic records person. I know that LemonNation from C9 keeps a folder. I wonder what format he uses. Looking at the sheet here would be my comments/suggestions.

What is the "Main" and "Secondary" labels for? Role? Lane?

I am not clear how you fill out the Abilities section, but it seems like it would be easier if it looked like the Mobafire Grid with columns for each level (1, 2, ....16). You could also include a spot or a duplicate grid for optional paths ("level up Q first if laning versus Magic Damage opponent").

I guess "Core Items" are your starting and very early game items? I might remove the "Versus Attack Damage/Ability Power" labels and leave these sections to be labeled. Often my build path changes if I am ahead or behind.

The Runes section would be okay to fill out, but you could add in Marks, Seals, Glyphs and Quints labels.

The Masteries section would be much easier if it looked like a Masteries page. You could then add numbers to each box (1, 2, 3, 4). A space for notes would be handy ("Take X over Y if versus AP", "Take A over B if using Teleport").

The Best Win makes me think that it might be handy to have a Champion game log as an extra sheet for each champion.
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Oct 2nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 28, 2014 4:36pm | Report
Chawoora wrote:

What is the "Main" and "Secondary" labels for? Role? Lane?

Main and Secondary are like, Support, Mage, Marksman, ect.

Chawoora wrote:
I am not clear how you fill out the Abilities section, but it seems like it would be easier if it looked like the Mobafire Grid with columns for each level (1, 2, ....16). You could also include a spot or a duplicate grid for optional paths ("level up Q first if laning versus Magic Damage opponent").

There are spaces beside each of the numbers where you'd write in the number, basically. Beside Q there are 5 spaces for the five levels. Lets say your champion levels their Q at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, then you'd write those in each space. It is pretty much the MobaFire grid, just without all the extra spacing.

Chawoora wrote:
I guess "Core Items" are your starting and very early game items? I might remove the "Versus Attack Damage/Ability Power" labels and leave these sections to be labeled. Often my build path changes if I am ahead or behind.

Core, to me, is what I go for first, or what I'm going to want to pick up every game like boots and such. However, in the Moba builds, they sometimes have a core section and list out the items. It's totally dependent on personal meaning I suppose, and like I said, I make custom sheets if someone doesn't want what's there. But in my own copy (I mentioned how I've edited this base for my own uses after posting), I replaced that with "Viable Items" in one big box, for some options.

Chawoora wrote:
The Runes section would be okay to fill out, but you could add in Marks, Seals, Glyphs and Quints labels.

Sometimes, I know at least me personally will split the runes into 5/4 rather than a full 9. Putting down a default "Marks, Seals, Glyphs, Quints" takes that possibility away. It's more flexible to leave blank space to write in, in my opinion.

Chawoora wrote:
The Masteries section would be much easier if it looked like a Masteries page. You could then add numbers to each box (1, 2, 3, 4). A space for notes would be handy ("Take X over Y if versus AP", "Take A over B if using Teleport").

That's totally stuff for the margins. I just write down the mastery name in order from left to right for each box and each line. Basically, start in the attack section. Go left to right in the first row, then left to right in the second row, ect. Once you're done there, repeat with Defense and Utility. Again, custom sheets and all. It saves space to do it like this, I think.

Chawoora wrote:
The Best Win makes me think that it might be handy to have a Champion game log as an extra sheet for each champion.

I was trying to keep it all on a single page to save paper. xD

I think that covered all the bases you suggested with my personal thoughts. But thank you so much for your input. ^^ I knew the sheet wouldn't be good for everyone's tastes, it's just what works for me. Actually, to be honest, I've changed my sheet from this base a few times since I posted it. I'm totally up for making customs if you wanted a version, but just didn't like this one.
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2014 11:20am | Report
I can see that being useful for starters, why not others as well.

My own memory works too well from a glance though :p
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