Hi, often times alot of laners dont even ward, im in silver currently ( I know not high elo ) but...I know the feel, I think im one of the few junglers ive seen who always takes red trinket until about 20-25m Ill switch to blue, bc the ganking lane part is often over by then, and if you give this a shot youll see what I mean, because 8/10 ten times sweeping for wards is a waste of time .. lol and this technique synergizes well with eyeball collection, and Id be lost without the sweeper strat because it enables me to know weather ive been spotted or not, and weather or not a laner is an easy gank or not because he obviously is or isnt playing safely by using his wards, even my own team I have to tell them every match, ward dragons, ward harolds, ward baron, ward your lane, they still wont lol even if I spam repeat that order. I dont enjoy it, but I clear vision that puts pressure on their team, a laner ( if theyre any good ) wont push too far without a ward or two. Thats one guy out of a few in silver you know? When I lane I often dont ward, but thats only bc im fairly confident that im not gonna be too aggro unless it's worth or my jungler is there, so thats that you know I think you can fall into a mindset that everyone is thinking things through the way you are that often times isnt true, theyre careless alot of times. But lets say im in a situation where I just cant get a gank off, I got LB mid ( I agree may as well not waste ur time making her jump all over the screen shes gonna do that enough without my attention.) top is olaf, bot is blitz/tresh/leona and lucian. If this is the case Ill try to track the enemy jungler for something to do, ill ward in his/her jg, and if im confident enough ill either counter jg that jungler or go in there and kill that enemy jungler, if you have cleared their vision, with sweeper or if youve got a duskblade, unless theyre very fed they wont be too confident to come stop you from counter jungler and/or killing their jungler, I have been killed in my jg, in ranked games without even a hint of a response from my team SO MANY TIMES that it's disgusting. But killing the jungler helps your team more than likely alot more than if you come and kill their laner, especially if youve taken the kill because the enemy jungler has potential to disrupt not one or two lanes but all three and potentially your jungle camps and youre KDA. Thanks for your time give it a shot, play udyr, go in there and just hunt junglers.
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