Xin Guide
Clicking the Rep button will end the world, do not click it! (Reverse psychology FTW)
Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.
Clicking the Rep button will end the world, do not click it! (Reverse psychology FTW)
Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.
Thank you very much. I usually play as Amumu when I have this problem.
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Amumu is a terrible laner, in fact probably the worst in the game, so it's not surprising you're having problems.
With Amumu I usually jungle. When I do lane I let my partner get all the minion kills. Remember 2 tower hits, and a Tantrum will kill that minion, his auto attacks don't cut it. Mid game is usually where I get all my farm Despair+ Tantrum deals so much AoE damage that you should have no problem getting your farm up. Remember never ult minions. It saddens me when I see a amumu ult a minion wave and say that it'll be back up when I need it. Amumu has a horrible early game best thing to do is hold on, and not die. You should have 20-30 minion kills at the 10 minute mark. At 20 minute mark try to have around 70-80. Late game you should have well over 150+ minion kills. Doesn't always work out, but try to have around this number.
Xin Guide
Clicking the Rep button will end the world, do not click it! (Reverse psychology FTW)
Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.
Clicking the Rep button will end the world, do not click it! (Reverse psychology FTW)
Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.
For Amumu you really need to depend on your mid game for farming since your early game is just bad but I think you can definitely pick up some if your last hit are good enough. Don't be afraid to trade blows with your enemy or harass them with your Bandage Toss + Tantrum and then walk away. They might get your HP down but if you buy HP regen item to start the game, you can regen back your HP faster than them and they will be the one under pressured. By that time, you can last hit without them interfering. The main point is to make your enemy fear you and not you feared by them.
Ok, thank you very much for your help, IĀ“ll definitly try that. ^^
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Can you play Amumu as a jungler even without any runes? Because I donĀ“t think itĀ“s any idea to get runes thatĀ“s not from tier 3.
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m00d wrote:
Can you play Amumu as a jungler even without any runes? Because I donĀ“t think itĀ“s any idea to get runes thatĀ“s not from tier 3.
I doubt it, you'll need at least tier 3 armour yellows to do a full clear starting at blue. Might need full masteries or health quints too, I'm not sure. Armour yellows are definitely the most important runes for any jungler though.
Don't get anything below tier 3 runes, they're not really worth it. :P
If you want to try jungle stuff out, just make a custom game with no bots and no other players as many times as you need, that way you don't ruin a game for other people if stuff goes wrong. There's nothing more embarrassing than dying to a buff in an actual game.
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IĀ“ve had some problems with the lasthitting, and more often then I want to, IĀ“m the one that have hit the least ammount of minions at the end of the game.
The problem I have is when I play a melee champion and walk up to hit a minion, the enemy champions take me down to half health.
IĀ“m lvl 15 atm.
Any tips?