I made new thread now that I mentored people for about 5 months, aint new anymore.. And I am 1500 elo now :D
Please dont flame me, I also wanted some reserved spots on first page!
Please dont flame me, I also wanted some reserved spots on first page!
Masteries: 9 21 0
R- Magic Pen
Y- Armor / Dodge
B- AP / Magic Resist
P- 1-2 HP 1-2 AP / 1 HP 1 Armor Per Lvl 1 MR per lvl
Skill Order
Then go R>E>Q>W
Cloth Armor 4-5 HP pots
Hex Revolver
Sorc Shoes or Merc Treads
Spirit Visage
Rylias Crystal Scepter
Guardian Angel
Finish Hextech
Finish LichBane
Try to farm as much as possible in the beginning! Dont harass unless you have to, you only have to when they are outfarming you OR they are pwning you :D
Also take Flash and Ignite! You dont need the Masteries!
R- Magic Pen
Y- Armor / Dodge
B- AP / Magic Resist
P- 1-2 HP 1-2 AP / 1 HP 1 Armor Per Lvl 1 MR per lvl
Skill Order
Then go R>E>Q>W
Cloth Armor 4-5 HP pots
Hex Revolver
Sorc Shoes or Merc Treads
Spirit Visage
Rylias Crystal Scepter
Guardian Angel
Finish Hextech
Finish LichBane
Try to farm as much as possible in the beginning! Dont harass unless you have to, you only have to when they are outfarming you OR they are pwning you :D
Also take Flash and Ignite! You dont need the Masteries!
If anyone wants to copy my rune pages go ahead I got them labeled!
Ok one thing I found out is rate. ok Like AP gives u 1 for glyph but per a lvl 3.. So 3 times more if u get per a level for glyph! HOW EVER THATS NOT THE POINT, check this out for Quint Ap gives u 4.95 and per a lvl gives 7.75. Not even 2 times more!
Ima hit u guys up with 3 of my 10 rune pages, these 3 are especially OP rune pages. And a build to go with 2 of them!
So for my complete AP page. I have this
Marks- Magic Pen
Seals- 6 AP per a lvl, 3 Flat AP, y?? Because 3 AP is the most effective to go with the 2 flat AP quints if u get a 3rd its semi useless, and to make 5th useful u need 4th.. but those 3 give +1 AP even though its only + .59, but only with 2 AP Quints and 1 HP.
Glyphs- 3 Magic pen, its really OP if u think about it, again it rounds it up but a 4th would be semi useless, then the rest AP per a lvl!
Quints- 1 HP, 2 AP all are flat.
Ad is kinda the same idea, the glyphs are OP per a lvl as to quints. So this page is for AD. My build is 2 Dorans Blades, Boots of swiftness, Blood thirster, Black Cleaver, Frozen Mallet, Madreds Blood Razor, (Any Situational Item, G.A., Force of Nature, Bloodthirster are the avg 3 choices)
I made this build and page specifically for Vayne and MF
Ok so here are the runes!
Marks- Armor Pen
Seals- 9 Flat AD
Glyphs- Magic Resist
Quints- 3 AD Flat
Its perfect to help you farm minions early game and it scales good for mid game. Also its great for Miss fortune's Q and Vayne's Q. Also good for a non crit build! After a weeks practice I changed from Ad per lvl quints to Magic resist quints as I nvr have problems except when I verse an AP hero or Magic Damage.. So I switched out my glyphs for magic resist runes, and I never been better!
AD Jungle Page
WW, Shaco (I use it for Shaco mostly)
Marks- 3 Armor Pen, 6 Attack Speed
Yellows-7 flat Armor, 2 Armor per a lvl
Glyphs- 7 Magic resist, 2 Magic resist per a lvl
Quints- Attack Speed
I use these runes for jungle as Shaco. Its perfect for Madreds and Wits end build. So use it for WW and Shaco.
So for Shaco I run Lantern, Boots of Swiftness/Merc Treads, Madreds Blood Razor, Guardian Angel & Banshee depending on what I need first, and for last item I get whats situational.. Black Cleaver, and Wits End are usually my best choices.
Ok one thing I found out is rate. ok Like AP gives u 1 for glyph but per a lvl 3.. So 3 times more if u get per a level for glyph! HOW EVER THATS NOT THE POINT, check this out for Quint Ap gives u 4.95 and per a lvl gives 7.75. Not even 2 times more!
Ima hit u guys up with 3 of my 10 rune pages, these 3 are especially OP rune pages. And a build to go with 2 of them!
So for my complete AP page. I have this
Marks- Magic Pen
Seals- 6 AP per a lvl, 3 Flat AP, y?? Because 3 AP is the most effective to go with the 2 flat AP quints if u get a 3rd its semi useless, and to make 5th useful u need 4th.. but those 3 give +1 AP even though its only + .59, but only with 2 AP Quints and 1 HP.
Glyphs- 3 Magic pen, its really OP if u think about it, again it rounds it up but a 4th would be semi useless, then the rest AP per a lvl!
Quints- 1 HP, 2 AP all are flat.
Ad is kinda the same idea, the glyphs are OP per a lvl as to quints. So this page is for AD. My build is 2 Dorans Blades, Boots of swiftness, Blood thirster, Black Cleaver, Frozen Mallet, Madreds Blood Razor, (Any Situational Item, G.A., Force of Nature, Bloodthirster are the avg 3 choices)
I made this build and page specifically for Vayne and MF
Ok so here are the runes!
Marks- Armor Pen
Seals- 9 Flat AD
Glyphs- Magic Resist
Quints- 3 AD Flat
Its perfect to help you farm minions early game and it scales good for mid game. Also its great for Miss fortune's Q and Vayne's Q. Also good for a non crit build! After a weeks practice I changed from Ad per lvl quints to Magic resist quints as I nvr have problems except when I verse an AP hero or Magic Damage.. So I switched out my glyphs for magic resist runes, and I never been better!
AD Jungle Page
WW, Shaco (I use it for Shaco mostly)
Marks- 3 Armor Pen, 6 Attack Speed
Yellows-7 flat Armor, 2 Armor per a lvl
Glyphs- 7 Magic resist, 2 Magic resist per a lvl
Quints- Attack Speed
I use these runes for jungle as Shaco. Its perfect for Madreds and Wits end build. So use it for WW and Shaco.
So for Shaco I run Lantern, Boots of Swiftness/Merc Treads, Madreds Blood Razor, Guardian Angel & Banshee depending on what I need first, and for last item I get whats situational.. Black Cleaver, and Wits End are usually my best choices.
"Is Garen a viable tank"
It depends on your goal.. Your definitely not going to keep your carry alive though. However thats why you are an off tank. You will need to have another tank to keep carry alive.. As for build, if you want to play garen just remember, be more tanky then dps. I wont give you a build unless u add me in game, or ask me here I guess.. But I will tell you some RANDOM Info..
Garen has amazing health regen, not to mention his passive.. Along with a warmogs you wont need to back. For early game his W gives enough magic resist for you to rush Warmogs. But it might be smarter to get a Brutalizer/Phage.. Also it goes all good to get a force of nature ONLY if you have Warmogs/Frozen Mallet. Otherwise get a Spirit visage. If its late game and you get a force of nature. Then you should at least have 3k HP, otherwise your building bad. As for armor, Thorn mail wont work unless you have 3k HP or circumstances like vsing a team with 3-4 AD. Otherwise its better to get a sunfire or Randuims omen.
If you need an easy set up you can try this.
Basically lets say
2 HP items..Warmog/frozen mallet(dont get both), Sunfire(if they have little dps), Spirit Visage(if you want to rush some early game magic resist), Randuims Omen(If they have a lot of dps)
2 of these items..
Force of Nature(if you dont need anything this is good to get cuz it helps on everything cuz of its movement, and regen, and makes aoe ineffective pretty much..), Spirit Visage(really good choice if you dont need thornmail, also if u already got this and u dont need thornmail, get another thing from the top list), Thorn Mail..
1 attack Item..IF YOU GET 2 HP ITEMS, 1 MR, AND 1 ARMOR.. and it comes to only 3 items and u know your tanky enough, like your not getting below half, you MAY get both these if u want to..)
Ghost Blade(if you get this get Brutalizer earlier,also it better paired with Frozen Mallet), or Atmas(U can get brutalizer early and sell it l8r).
U will need at least 2 Hp, 1 Armor, and 1 MR item, and 1 attack item NO SPECIFIC ORDER, just go by your instincts, thats what improves your skill the most!
U should check out my 9th rune page, and use 9 21 0 masteries, also for boots Merc Treads are 90 pct of the times best choice..
Feel free for questions or + rep.
And like I said, +rep would be nie, I write long helpful posts.. Sometimes I get flamed especially hate it when its by someone thats like in "elo hell" or is barely even lvl 30.. with like 200 wins only.
Oh ya, so like I said Garen is offtank.. I do it like this..(This chart is not how good a char is, it is how much they do to help team survive a team battle and tankin ability takin into account..) Yes it is made by me.. Also if u notice, all the T1s are good at getting the team kills, doing damage, and really great at initiating,. The T2s are good at only like 2/3 things each.. Also all the T1s are good at gap closing.
Its Ideal to me to have at least 1 tank from T1, and 1 from T2/T3. T2 is better..
Amumu(Best tank of them all), Malphite, Rammus, Alistar, Galio, Singed
Gragas(Not good initiator, his ult is better for splitting enemy team in team battles.), Maokai(Has everything but.. Not as much as T1s.. and usually not as tank. Good passive though), Morde(he is only one here with out a CC of some sort, but with Rylias and his ult.. It is perfect, as it adds another carry to the team), Nasus(Only 1 cc, slow), Renekton(Only 1 cc, stun), Jarvan(kind debating for T1, or T2.. He does have some Huge +, but some Huge -..)Shen(Kinda useless Q, and W end game), Rumble(Really good early game, but starts to break down late game), Cho(Tends to get focused, just like Jarvan hes in between T1 and T2), Blitz(He could be T1 but I just dont see him there for some reason.. He has everything he needs. I guess his abilities need Ap/Dps/Lich to scale late game, which wont make him as tanky.)
Garen(Only thing to help the team is his silence..), Mundo(I dont like Mundo at all..), Leona(Does no damage..)
It depends on your goal.. Your definitely not going to keep your carry alive though. However thats why you are an off tank. You will need to have another tank to keep carry alive.. As for build, if you want to play garen just remember, be more tanky then dps. I wont give you a build unless u add me in game, or ask me here I guess.. But I will tell you some RANDOM Info..
Garen has amazing health regen, not to mention his passive.. Along with a warmogs you wont need to back. For early game his W gives enough magic resist for you to rush Warmogs. But it might be smarter to get a Brutalizer/Phage.. Also it goes all good to get a force of nature ONLY if you have Warmogs/Frozen Mallet. Otherwise get a Spirit visage. If its late game and you get a force of nature. Then you should at least have 3k HP, otherwise your building bad. As for armor, Thorn mail wont work unless you have 3k HP or circumstances like vsing a team with 3-4 AD. Otherwise its better to get a sunfire or Randuims omen.
If you need an easy set up you can try this.
Basically lets say
2 HP items..Warmog/frozen mallet(dont get both), Sunfire(if they have little dps), Spirit Visage(if you want to rush some early game magic resist), Randuims Omen(If they have a lot of dps)
2 of these items..
Force of Nature(if you dont need anything this is good to get cuz it helps on everything cuz of its movement, and regen, and makes aoe ineffective pretty much..), Spirit Visage(really good choice if you dont need thornmail, also if u already got this and u dont need thornmail, get another thing from the top list), Thorn Mail..
1 attack Item..IF YOU GET 2 HP ITEMS, 1 MR, AND 1 ARMOR.. and it comes to only 3 items and u know your tanky enough, like your not getting below half, you MAY get both these if u want to..)
Ghost Blade(if you get this get Brutalizer earlier,also it better paired with Frozen Mallet), or Atmas(U can get brutalizer early and sell it l8r).
U will need at least 2 Hp, 1 Armor, and 1 MR item, and 1 attack item NO SPECIFIC ORDER, just go by your instincts, thats what improves your skill the most!
U should check out my 9th rune page, and use 9 21 0 masteries, also for boots Merc Treads are 90 pct of the times best choice..
Feel free for questions or + rep.
And like I said, +rep would be nie, I write long helpful posts.. Sometimes I get flamed especially hate it when its by someone thats like in "elo hell" or is barely even lvl 30.. with like 200 wins only.
Oh ya, so like I said Garen is offtank.. I do it like this..(This chart is not how good a char is, it is how much they do to help team survive a team battle and tankin ability takin into account..) Yes it is made by me.. Also if u notice, all the T1s are good at getting the team kills, doing damage, and really great at initiating,. The T2s are good at only like 2/3 things each.. Also all the T1s are good at gap closing.
Its Ideal to me to have at least 1 tank from T1, and 1 from T2/T3. T2 is better..
Amumu(Best tank of them all), Malphite, Rammus, Alistar, Galio, Singed
Gragas(Not good initiator, his ult is better for splitting enemy team in team battles.), Maokai(Has everything but.. Not as much as T1s.. and usually not as tank. Good passive though), Morde(he is only one here with out a CC of some sort, but with Rylias and his ult.. It is perfect, as it adds another carry to the team), Nasus(Only 1 cc, slow), Renekton(Only 1 cc, stun), Jarvan(kind debating for T1, or T2.. He does have some Huge +, but some Huge -..)Shen(Kinda useless Q, and W end game), Rumble(Really good early game, but starts to break down late game), Cho(Tends to get focused, just like Jarvan hes in between T1 and T2), Blitz(He could be T1 but I just dont see him there for some reason.. He has everything he needs. I guess his abilities need Ap/Dps/Lich to scale late game, which wont make him as tanky.)
Garen(Only thing to help the team is his silence..), Mundo(I dont like Mundo at all..), Leona(Does no damage..)
K now I have enough space for many guides :D
Srry for the extra threads, ignore all the other ones..
Srry for the extra threads, ignore all the other ones..
holy ****, use the edit function why don't you T_T
reporting your other thread to lock as per your request, and see what will be done about this...
reporting your other thread to lock as per your request, and see what will be done about this...
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
^^^ Likes to cause trouble, what a vulgar comment "see what will be done about this..." Describing my work that I put much time into "this"
Every reserved post is going to be a guide and I am going to label them like a boss to make it easier for people to read, and I have OCD so I want it to look clean..
Im doing this for the good of the community, and my OCD where it bothers me everyday that stuff were scattered through out my thread.. And I dont like having 1 long post, so now I can split it between 20!!
Oh and uhm, Thanks for locking my other thread, also I only got that one locked so I can do this. :D
Also nothing will be done about "this", I read the rules thoroughly before doing this :D
Every reserved post is going to be a guide and I am going to label them like a boss to make it easier for people to read, and I have OCD so I want it to look clean..
Im doing this for the good of the community, and my OCD where it bothers me everyday that stuff were scattered through out my thread.. And I dont like having 1 long post, so now I can split it between 20!!
Oh and uhm, Thanks for locking my other thread, also I only got that one locked so I can do this. :D
Also nothing will be done about "this", I read the rules thoroughly before doing this :D
Not trying to be an ******* but creating nearly 2 pages of posts "reserved" isnt something we like to see.
Ofc there is no rule that you cannot reserve a place but also there is a rule about spamming.
Each posts according to Admins can have 65'000 chars. Use them. Use edit function. And if you REALY want sections and stuff... why won't you simply make a general guide on the site?
Ofc there is no rule that you cannot reserve a place but also there is a rule about spamming.
Each posts according to Admins can have 65'000 chars. Use them. Use edit function. And if you REALY want sections and stuff... why won't you simply make a general guide on the site?
You need to log in before commenting.
(I use LOLReplays to help mentor if you are willing to, if not I can still help but you know..)
2k+ games played, 4th place in Razor TT Tourney, Won a 3v3 SLG tourney for 30$ RP, Silver Banner(Means he had 1500-1900 elo in season 1) and he plays every champ.. Can help with how to lane, what to do in team battles, what to items to purchase in game, which champ to play, how to build your rune pages, Masteries and summoner spells. Hes Chill and Nice, wont be mad even if you do really bad, rather he will help you with what you are currently doing wrong.
Requirements for you: No raging, no lieing, and no trolling!
Means of contact: Add in game RamenL (Also feel free to post here.)
Longer Version
Skype: RamenL
IGN: RamenL
Server: US
Alright so, I got 2k + games played for 1. I got 4th place in the old Razor TT tourney, Won a 3v3 SLG tourney for 30$ RP, im ranked at 1500 elo, and I played with most of the "pro" people a couple times. and they all said I was pretty beast, I sometimes held em up, they sometimes held me up. :D Of course, I have no proof over anything I say. But if I teach you, you'll realize I know what I am talking about and I got the skillz to be the very best mentor!
On to what I can help with. I played every char at least 25 times. And I do have some mains that I played over 100 times. And Anivia/Cho whom I played over 600 times but because of my skill I can play any char really well, but people say my Cho/Anivia is unmatchable :D I consider myself pro at league, I am currently 1500 elo and if I got serious and made a team I would quickly reach the 2k spot in any ranked type. I don't how ever because.. Anime is coolz and is starting to waste a bit of my time, on top of that I have a job in real life now on.. Which ruins everything!! So I mentor for fun!
Oops I got a lil off subject. Ok so I can help with anything. Ok so I can help with what runes to buy, masteries to use, Skill order, summoner spells, all important stuff to work on ingame, how to play solo, jungle, double lane, and mastery.. And help u find a champ to play.. And what ever else. I can teach basics as far to advance. Be warned A LOT of league comes from experience, like when to back out or chase, or tower dive..
Lemme give you some examples as cho..As cho u might flash in tower rupture/screech/ignite, run away then realize the guy lived with 50 hp.. But with experience you'll know the nuke wont be enough. Or you'll realize he has a stun.. And you will get pwned.. Here is another example.. Lets say ur getting chased as Cho by three people low (I did this last game) you stop in a bush then rupture so it hits all them, silence, the feast one, ignite one, and auto attack one Triple kill, but without experience you might just keep running not knowing u can do that, or u might try it and fail.. Except mine was under a Teamo mushroom so he got one kill and I got a double. Another thing is that so much league, makes team battles a little easier they will feel slower and you can think easier like who to go for and who to help. Like maybe you can stop their Tryn from getting to your Miss fortune with a Rupture. then silence Annie with a W, and then feast the Garen thats keeping your Anivia down.. And ignite Tryn and flash rupture to catch the Annie when she runs walk closer silence auto attack she dead.. You can do a lot in one team battle as any char. Just need the practice..
I helped people, they did stuff like just standing their in the team battle, or they ended up attacking the tanks. Just takes some practice, and learning and stuff.. Hesitating isn't good either. Just always do something, know your role. Don't forget to do anything.. You get me :D
Msg me, Add me in game, or post here
Morde Build- Page 1
Rune Page Guide- Page 1
Runes & Some Builds for most AP Chars, Missfortune, Vayne,Shaco, WW- Page 1
Is Garen a viable tank- Page 1