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Creator: spawn1511 July 13, 2011 8:41am
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Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2011 3:09pm | Report
Have you done ranked and been stuck around the 1000-1200 range? Yea. It ain't fun.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2011 7:20pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

Have you done ranked and been stuck around the 1000-1200 range? Yea. It ain't fun.

Stuck in it right now.

I hate it but playing normal is just soo boring... lol
Current Solo Q Elo = 1405+
Active United States Marine
Malzahar - Ranked Mini Guide / Build
Kassadin - Ranked Mini Guide / Build
Sacull_Kinslayer's Forum Avatar
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Sep 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2011 8:11pm | Report
I don't know why I don't like ranked. I have usually liked it in other types of games. And I have always been above average in those other games. But maybe it is the complete randomness of those you get stuck with and maybe it is the horror stories I constantly hear that has me so wary of it. But it is just 2 more games. And worse that can happen is I end up with a 5-5 record for s1.
Did I manage to assist you in any way? Hook me up by hitting that nifty +Rep button.

All guides have been archived due to my not being able to play LoL currently. The information is still there and is good but until I return they will be archived. I am able to keep them updated and current though.

Vladimir's Blood Resource. Designed for beginner's and beyond.
Vladimir's Blood Resource: Post Nerf Edition.
The Exemplar of Tanking: Jarvan IV .

Making a Guide by jhoijhoi This is everything you need to know about making a guide. Amazing.

...and Buffy staked Edward. The End.
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