play something better like dota 2 or gw2 and i can teach u some nifty thangss my friend
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Top is a cluster****. Pretty much everything works. AFAIK, Irelia and Hecarim are strong, but the meta shifts within months. A couple months ago offtank Ekko/offtank Fizz were OP (they still work) and a few more months ago Akali tank was a thing (IDK but it might still work too). A month ago I was beaten by an offtank Nidalee. Basically pretty much everything works. Even Yorick is supposed to get a rework between worlds and the preseason. Lastly, Teleport was nerfed a couple of times but it's still used 90% of the time.
Mid is mostly Viktor/ Azir ( Azir is really hard to abuse tho) and I think Karma. Azir and LeBlanc were nerfed a gazillion times but they're still strong. And the mage patch made Swain and Vladimir kinda OP, IDK if they're OP after their nerfs but they're certainly strong. Fizz still receives bans, IDK if it's because of tank Fizz aftershocks or if ap Fizz is still OP (he had a resurgence some time ago).
Jungle seems to be in the same state as top. You can play pretty much anything that has a decent clear speed and Lee Sin still works if your hands can take it. Lately I've seen the attack speed enchantment being abused on a couple of tanks, IDK if it's a thing now or just a random trend I noticed in my games. Nidalee jungle seems to be strong but balanced.
Ditto ADC ( Kog'Maw sucks tho and Vayne is still awesome in the right hands). The items were reworked to finally make them have variable build paths, but unfortunately their lives suck because Quicksilver Sash only removes CC now (so Zed's ult is not removed, for example) and the assassins are still running rampant. Hopefully the role will be interesting once the assassin class update happens in the preseason.
IDK supp, AP supports are working in a pseudo-healthy state but it's still the most boring role, even if it got a bit better.
You might seem some trends in pro play ( Gragas, Rek'Sai, whatever they're playing adc now), but most of them are just strong in coordinated teams. I would probably just choose a champion and read some guides, then take note of whatever happens that you don't understand, since a lot has changed.
Mid is mostly Viktor/ Azir ( Azir is really hard to abuse tho) and I think Karma. Azir and LeBlanc were nerfed a gazillion times but they're still strong. And the mage patch made Swain and Vladimir kinda OP, IDK if they're OP after their nerfs but they're certainly strong. Fizz still receives bans, IDK if it's because of tank Fizz aftershocks or if ap Fizz is still OP (he had a resurgence some time ago).
Jungle seems to be in the same state as top. You can play pretty much anything that has a decent clear speed and Lee Sin still works if your hands can take it. Lately I've seen the attack speed enchantment being abused on a couple of tanks, IDK if it's a thing now or just a random trend I noticed in my games. Nidalee jungle seems to be strong but balanced.
Ditto ADC ( Kog'Maw sucks tho and Vayne is still awesome in the right hands). The items were reworked to finally make them have variable build paths, but unfortunately their lives suck because Quicksilver Sash only removes CC now (so Zed's ult is not removed, for example) and the assassins are still running rampant. Hopefully the role will be interesting once the assassin class update happens in the preseason.
IDK supp, AP supports are working in a pseudo-healthy state but it's still the most boring role, even if it got a bit better.
You might seem some trends in pro play ( Gragas, Rek'Sai, whatever they're playing adc now), but most of them are just strong in coordinated teams. I would probably just choose a champion and read some guides, then take note of whatever happens that you don't understand, since a lot has changed.
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