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League of Legends Summoner Spell: Teleport

Level: 7
Range: 0
Cooldown: 360

Summoner Spell: Teleport
After channeling for 4 seconds, removes any homestart or homeguard buff and blinks your champion to target allied turret. Upgrades to Unleashed Teleport at 10:00.

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yen boo | July 27, 2017 1:06pm
My favorite use of this spell is teleporting to an enemy turret our minions have pushed to, while the enemy is occupied, in order to break their turret.This spell is great for those super sustains, like Cho Gath and Singed, or making an escape from champs.
Thundergod1020 | November 20, 2012 7:00am
Makes playing Heimerdinger solomid dangerous for the opponent.
TwitcherBrain (37) | September 1, 2012 9:16am
Allow to win solotop without starting with Boots.
Cronko Wesh | August 16, 2012 3:18pm
Rhynin wrote:

@tajatysz If you're German: Minion=Vasalle. Minions are the little "monsters", who help you and go with the lane.

He was referring to a spelling mistake that was later fixed.
Rhynin | June 23, 2012 2:55am
@tajatysz If you're German: Minion=Vasalle. Minions are the little "monsters", who help you and go with the lane.
Konoa (3) | September 7, 2011 11:54am
This spell is great for those super sustains, like Cho Gath and Singed, or making an escape from champs.

Also, I believe you can tele to Jarvan's standard O.o

This also provides great control over drago and baron cause once you see them start it, you can tele to the ward that should be there
mobafire master | June 9, 2011 6:19pm
i love to use this spell with any tanking characters like once i was cho' gath and i had tons of health defense and magic res. all i had to do was when i got down to 800 health tele and im out of there
JunSupport (203) | April 23, 2011 2:24am
My favorite use of this spell is teleporting to an enemy turret our minions have pushed to, while the enemy is occupied, in order to break their turret.

By casting it on the minion the turret is focused on, the wave can't be killed until I get there.
Very wonderful spell for pushing.

It's also great for recalling without consequence in the lane-phase.
Axis the Dragon (4) | December 21, 2010 7:27pm
The greatest use for this, I found, was...

Ashe: Put a ward mid, bluepill, ECA from base, and teleport to ward. A well-aimed arrow means a GG for your target.
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