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Support Champ

Creator: Stellak November 28, 2017 12:36am
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Stellak's Forum Avatar
Nov 21st, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2017 12:36am | Report
I used to play the support role and my favorite one is Sona. I don't think I play it well as I always fail on the skills set Flash+ Crescendo. LOL

I quit the game for 2 years already and wanna know some new support champ. Thanks.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 28, 2017 5:18am | Report
If you liked Sona you would probably enjoy playing Lulu or Nami since both are supports with shielding/healing that also do damage like Sona does.

If you want to stray further into damage, AP supports are very strong atm since MR runes are no longer a thing. Brand & Morgana for example are quite strong, relatively easy to play and can be quite fun.

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
Stellak's Forum Avatar
Nov 21st, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 5, 2017 7:04pm | Report
If you liked Sona you would probably enjoy playing Lulu or Nami since both are supports with shielding/healing that also do damage like Sona does.

If you want to stray further into damage, AP supports are very strong atm since MR runes are no longer a thing. Brand & Morgana for example are quite strong, relatively easy to play and can be quite fun.

Thanks. I will definitely give a try on Morgana for more damage. But which AD should I match with?
I read your guide on Janna. I always think that Janna is too squishy that I can't endure. Always die and trolling in game. Should I just give up on Janna?
Biperspectival's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2017 8:07am | Report
So, my personal favorite support is Soraka. She has fairly easy mechanics, but she requires a lot of map awareness and understanding of enemy kits. She can be build a bit tankier than most heal/shield supports due to her Warmog's Armor synergy. Generally raka is best with a scaling adc.

While I don't think Karma is super meta right now, she's still an OK support, and her kit is similar to Sona's. She's a heavy-hitting poke support with shielding and cc on the side. Might be worth a shot to see what you think of her.

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