Lol if you are afk farming for 18 mins then you are doing things wrong.
For jungle you want a champion that can gank a lot and apply a lot of pressure around the map, basically don't play jungle if you are passive because you are "basically" making your team loose.
Here is some champions that fit what I was saying right above : Lee sin, Elise, Nidalee, etc...
The problem with these junglers though is that they are kind of "weak" lategame so you have to finish the game while you still have the lead.
Currently, the best jungler (debatable) is Zac , he has awesome ganks (hard to predict/see them coming even with wards) and he doesn't fall that much in lategame plus he is tanky.
If you want more information, you can always check ls(last shadow) coach's new video about soloq champions for patch 6.18.
Good luck :)
For jungle you want a champion that can gank a lot and apply a lot of pressure around the map, basically don't play jungle if you are passive because you are "basically" making your team loose.
Here is some champions that fit what I was saying right above : Lee sin, Elise, Nidalee, etc...
The problem with these junglers though is that they are kind of "weak" lategame so you have to finish the game while you still have the lead.
Currently, the best jungler (debatable) is Zac , he has awesome ganks (hard to predict/see them coming even with wards) and he doesn't fall that much in lategame plus he is tanky.
If you want more information, you can always check ls(last shadow) coach's new video about soloq champions for patch 6.18.
Good luck :)
"I don't need to be the best, I just need to be good."
snorman22 wrote:
Recently I've played Trundle in the jungle a couple games and he feels like he can clear pretty well. He is kinda ****py early game when ganking (I found) but late game he was extremely strong after afk farming for 18 minutes. I was just curious what makes a champion a strong or weak jungler? Also who are some tier 1 jungle champs so I can better learn the jungle role.
90% of jungling is the player. 10% the champion you are playing. That is why high elo player crush with things like Nidalee, Rek'Sai, and Graves and they don't do so well in lower elos.
I believe H4xdefender suggests Rek'Sai if you really want to get a handle on all aspects of jungling. Ganking, counterganking, counterjungling, map presence, tower crash dives, objective control. She does it all well. But be prepared to suck a lot on her until you have those aspects of the game down.
If you are still learning/unsure about those aspects of the game then just pick Warwick against high mobility comps. You can't dodge his ult and his sustain lets him stay in the jungle forever.
Against low mobility comps Amumu is a great choice. You can go full tank if your team needs one or if you are reasonable comfortable with him you can go a more damage/carry oriented build.
Trundle's early ganks are actually pretty good with good Pillar of Ice placement and combined with follow-up from your laner. He is especially good vs one tank compositions because you can steal their tanks stats which also lets your damage dealers burn through their tank. Trundle does struggle against high mobility comps and/or at higher elo's because he doesn't have a gap closer so he is kiteable. You can minimize this to some degree by getting Stalker's Blade for the targetable ranged slow and possibly Dead Man's Plate to give some assistance with gap closing. Trundle is also nice in that he is a good duelest so only really ballsy counter junglers like Lee Sin or Shaco are likely to mess with you early game if they know what is good for them.
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