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Creator: Ixtellor June 29, 2015 11:48am
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<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2015 8:35am | Report
Double posting:

I took the liberty to spectate your most recent volibear game (the 4-3-0 game). While losing the game wasn't your fault, you did play really poorly in my eyes. I recorded some replay analysis, you can watch it if you feel like it. However, in short:

* You didn't have any pressure on any lane at all. You wasted too much time camping top without any effect, while mid/bot were going pretty evenly and offered good gank support.

* You didn't buy any wards till it was too late, even when you had some change left.

* You didn't bother taking the rift scuttler things once - those are invaluable for early game control as a jungler.

* When your team got two kills on botlane and had a number advantage, you didn't force any objective - either tower or drake.

In short: you really didn't do anything that'd make you 'deserve' the victory. Go check the full (20m) video out here: (is still processing as of now)
NateKiller's Forum Avatar
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Dec 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2015 9:21am | Report
Vynertje wrote:
Double posting:

I took the liberty to spectate your most recent volibear game (the 4-3-0 game)

Now that's what I call service. I'm sure he'll appreciate this. Good job V
Ixtellor's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2015 12:29pm | Report
Last 10 games:
4-3-0 Jungle. Top Darius had a known bug hit him where its impossible to auto attack. Only happens on the dunk master skin, thought it was ********, its all over youtube. Surrendered at 20. Still didn't feed even though our top lane couldn't do anything.
5-4-5 Entire game was 4v5, support never connected, still didn't feed.
4-10-8 (Enemy zed went 33-4 claimed he was smurfing the whole game)
7-9-8 4v5 our ADC DC'ed during the game and never came back. Deaths came defending base.
So thats an Average of:
63-41 which is an average of 4.1 Deaths per game And 2 of those games included AFK's on my team and a Bugged char.

I don't feel like I'm feeding.
I used to care about KDA, now I care about CS and Objectives.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2015 12:34pm | Report
Did you even watch the video that Vynie made?

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Ixtellor's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2015 1:05pm | Report
Vynertje wrote:
Double posting:

I took the liberty to spectate your most recent volibear game (the 4-3-0 game). While losing the game wasn't your fault, you did play really poorly in my eyes. I recorded some replay analysis, you can watch it if you feel like it. However, in short:

* You didn't have any pressure on any lane at all. You wasted too much time camping top without any effect, while mid/bot were going pretty evenly and offered good gank support.

* You didn't buy any wards till it was too late, even when you had some change left.

* You didn't bother taking the rift scuttler things once - those are invaluable for early game control as a jungler.

* When your team got two kills on botlane and had a number advantage, you didn't force any objective - either tower or drake.

In short: you really didn't do anything that'd make you 'deserve' the victory. Go check the full (20m) video out here: (is still processing as of now)

Thank you soo much for that.

I guess you can't see team chat.

That Darius said he had the Dunkmaster bug -- A real thing -- you can google it and see there is a bug where a Darius can not auto attack after he uses his E, and he didn't know how to fix it.

So I was trying my hardest to help out a darius incapable of Auto Attacking.
My goal in camping top at level 3-4 was to let him farm and zone out the Aatrox. Its all I could think of in a game where your Top lane can't autoattack. I was racking my brain trying to think of a way to help him out and its all I could come up with.

Unfortunatly, he didn't listen to any chat, I told him I was zoning Aatrox and for him to get some CS --- but all he did was try to run up and kill him. So even my "holy **** how do you fix this situation" plan failed because the Darius didn't take advantage of me zoning aatrox out for him.

If you watch the replay, Darius demonstrates how he is incapable of autoattacking against a solo Jinx mid halfway through the game. He literally can't do anything but Q W E. Also, his ult didn't work he said.

I virtually always buy a pink on first back, you mentioned this in the commentary that I did not.

All I can remember is freaking out that our top champ can't auto-attack and frantically trying to come up with a solution.

Your commentary was extremely helpful and I think you a lot. But I have never even heard of a game where a champ can't auto attack --- literally the only time I have seen it in several 1000 games, so I fill like it was not a good representation of my play.

In retrospect I should have abandoned him and helped other lanes... but when I did that later, Aatrox had 2 towers and several kills on a helpless Darius. So I am clueless how you win that game.

I watched your vid for a 2nd time. 2 Questions:
1) At the 19 min mark you say "imagine if you had camped his lane and made him [aatrox] troll". Which is exactly what I was doing at level 3-4 --- mostly because of the Darius bug and trying to help him. But it still raises the questions camp and frustrate top or don't?

2) At the 18:15ish mark you asked what I was doing pushing bottom wave. My answer is that we were getting destroyed and I was trying to force the enemy team to go defend that bottom tower. I popped my ult to wave clear because I just was trying to speed up the pressure on their bottom tower so that my team could get some relief top and mid.

I used to care about KDA, now I care about CS and Objectives.
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2015 2:27pm | Report
1) Well what I was saying didn't really make sense in the context of "Darius demonstrates how he is incapable of autoattacking against a solo Jinx mid halfway through the game" - I thought he was purposely feeding at that point. My point therefore was; now you may think, you always get the ****ty teams. However, a lot of players have the exact same attitude. It's therefore no matter who has the ****ty team, it's who can abuse it or even: make use of it.

2) Not necessarily bad thinking, but considering it'd force you to overextend really far + the fact that outer towers really aren't that important to defend and that there wasn't any pressure on the map yet, makes it a really weird decision regardless. Splitpushing as Voli is quite meh.

Also quickly back to the feeding part, tells me 6.2 deaths on average out of 20 games. Perhaps you had a little bit more luck the more recent games, perhaps you just played better. I can only say that 6.2 on average is a lot.
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