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Mooninites wrote:
Kind of surprised I haven't seen a single nomination for Cuddowls. Maybe we're going to have a 'razzies-esque' style nomination, I feel like both Cuddowls and I have a pretty good shot to take home some titles in that.
i agree that cuddowls has some of the best quotes of all time.
Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!
My name: OTGBionicArm
The nominated's name: Hogopogo
Category: Best Art Shop
Link to activity: My favorite photoshop wizard.
The nominated's name: Hogopogo
Category: Best Art Shop
Link to activity: My favorite photoshop wizard.
Updated OP n stuff with new noms :3
Not necessarily, you can also just, not vote on your own nominations :P
If I were to replace the "public jury" to a 10-men jury, then we still have 9 other people to do the voting on your picks :3
Bioalchemist wrote:
i volunteer. as i have been trained to be objective and view only the facts/data. however if this is the case the voting squad should not be allowed to nominate my nominations would have to be thrown out.
Not necessarily, you can also just, not vote on your own nominations :P
If I were to replace the "public jury" to a 10-men jury, then we still have 9 other people to do the voting on your picks :3
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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I could be judge, I can be very objective when I want to.
Btw when the judge is going to decide who gets these prizes, how will it be decided? e.g. Art dude 2300 has to send like examples or something like that and then we'd decide from those or what?
Btw when the judge is going to decide who gets these prizes, how will it be decided? e.g. Art dude 2300 has to send like examples or something like that and then we'd decide from those or what?
Janitsu wrote:
I could be judge, I can be very objective when I want to.
Btw when the judge is going to decide who gets these prizes, how will it be decided? e.g. Art dude 2300 has to send like examples or something like that and then we'd decide from those or what?
I ask for links on purpose :P
We should eventually have at least 1 link for each nomination, besides that, I am sure that we have seen some other activity by certain members due to our own experiences on mobafire :P
Change is gooooood