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MobaFire Tavern

Creator: jhoijhoi September 25, 2011 3:16am
567 posts - page 43 of 57
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 4:13am | Report
And so did xIchi turn into a cute girl to have sex with, while he was looking into the starry sky.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 4:23am | Report
Banana was flying with the escaping pod, but in hesitation he looked back at the tavern where he just escaped from. Full with suprise, he saw a man changing in a cute girl. Banana thought to himself: "There might still be hope in the world"
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
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Bludes's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 4:41am | Report
Bludes entered the tavern with all his english skills and bad humour.
A suppressed smile layed on his face when he saw a slavering banana watching
a girl. Bludes thought to hisself: "What a pervert bastard!" and sat down on the
cold ground with his face upside down. Maybe this would bring him the requested
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 6:59am | Report
GMD observes the golden coins in the satchel on his table, he then turns to Werepirelord. "Take a seat." he says while he signals the bartender to pour his guest a drink. "You sure have my utmost intention, good sir." he sayd with a cold, sharp tone. GMD was talking business and while that meant you could easily walk away rich, it might as well mean that you'd have to sell your soul in order to become so...
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 7:15am | Report
Confused but also impressed, xIchi looked at his, or rather her, new appearance.
He was wondering how this could have happaned, and as coincidentally as it was, there was a bar nearby.
Ichi remembered that a bar is the best way to gather information, thus she went back into the bar.
Stares into his soul were quickly made, but most of them turned away and continued their conversations.

Carefully, to no raise any not needed attention, Ichi sat down in the corner of the bar and asked the bartender for some tea.
Werepirelord's Forum Avatar
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Jan 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 7:32am | Report
Werepirelord nodds, pulls the seat and sits down. "You see, there is this unfriendly individual, I believe most gentlemen know him as Banana. Now, he owns something I want. Badly. Something of personal interrest, probably worth nothing to you or anybody else in this tavern. It's in an uncanny purple-yellow bag hidden somewhere in his mansion. Now let me tell you, this operation won't be easy. You're the first to try, so I can't give you too much information about what exactly awaits you, but the contents are his most prized possension, so be wary of your step.

Now, if you're interrested, name your price. If you arn't, I hope for you that either your integrity or your survilability is well endowed."

Tah beh, or nat tah beh. BOOM! Nat tah beh.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 7:39am | Report
Back at home from all these "tavernish" problems, Charles was waiting. "Greetings ser, how was your trip", he asked. "It was quite unpleasant, I think someone was on to our secret, activate protocol 54", Banana replied.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, we cannot take any risks, oh and bring me a cup of tea"
"As you wish"

Thus Banana went to his office and sat in his chair drinking his cup of tea. "And now we play the waiting game"
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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Jack Rubino
Jack Rubino's Forum Avatar
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 8:09am | Report
Then Jack Rubino(disguised as Eikichi Onizuka) called his gang of his time of young man for a gank at the bar. To take some girls to have sex with, but suddenly his spider-senses tingled and he went at banana's house to know what was going. So he asked to Charles.
"What's going on?"
"I dont know of what you are talking about, ser."
"Ya know what i mean, Charles pls."
"Ser, really..."
"But but but, Charles, you know you can #trust me."
Then Charles explained the protocol 54 and what was going on.
"Follow no false light."
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 8:09am | Report
GMD listens intently to what Werepirelord has to offer and he seems pleased. GMD lights another cigar and starts talking: "You seem to know my specialities as I am, indeed, an obtainer of goods. I do not require much information in order to complete the task however any you can offer will be most welcome." GMD pours himself another glass of scotch and he continues his story; "However I shall get straight to the point. Everything in this world can be done, nothing is impossible if one is willing to pay the price. Are you willing?". GMD pauses for a while and then whispers "10000 pieces of gold, 5000 now, 5000 when the job's done. No more, no less. Do we have a deal?"
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 8:31am | Report
Ichi looks up, as GMD's and her eyes meet, she quickly averted her eyes, pretending to gaze through the room.

Still trying to listen to their negotiations

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