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Creator: Mowen October 22, 2013 7:50am
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 10:57am | Report
Well if all the horrible things are already banned I'd like to ban the champion that can stun a whole lane.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 11:07am | Report
List of champions I'd rather have banned than Aurelion Sol and are also played a lot more than him, at least at my elo:

Taric, Malphite (if commonly playing with full AD comps), Maokai, Ekko, Poppy, Kindred, Graves, Master Yi.

Probably more that I'm forgetting but that's a good 8 champions that are more ban-worthy than that dragon I never see played. Unless you see him a lot more in gold than I'm giving him credit for and he regularly does well, in which case, ban on. But as cancer as Master Yi is whenever I see him, I don't ban him because I rarely ever see him, so it's just not a worthwhile ban, and I'd say the same for Aurelion Sol if he's as rare as I'm assuming.
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 1:37pm | Report
Malphite (if commonly playing with full AD comps

Then why are you playing full AD comp when you could just not do it in the first place?

Anyway, a good Aurelion Sol may zone you almost everytime. The bad thing: he's the worst at hiding.
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Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 2:00pm | Report

Then why are you playing full AD comp when you could just not do it in the first place?

Anyway, a good Aurelion Sol may zone you almost everytime. The bad thing: he's the worst at hiding.

If I'm playing AD mids on a regular basis, it's very common for me to first/second pick it and for the rest of my team to continue picking full AD around it. And in general it's not that uncommon for your 4th/5th pick mid laner to lock in an AD champion even when your team is already full AD, which there's nothing you can do about.

Banning Malphite is a way to minimize the consequences of having a full AD comp should it end up happening. As I commonly play AD mid laners, I'm usually the one suffering from the full AD comp, so I ban it.

And just **** Malphite in general, cancer champ.
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 3:54pm | Report
List of champions I'd rather have banned than Aurelion Sol and are also played a lot more than him, at least at my elo:

Taric, Malphite (if commonly playing with full AD comps), Maokai, Ekko, Poppy, Kindred, Graves, Master Yi.

Probably more that I'm forgetting but that's a good 8 champions that are more ban-worthy than that dragon I never see played. Unless you see him a lot more in gold than I'm giving him credit for and he regularly does well, in which case, ban on. But as cancer as Master Yi is whenever I see him, I don't ban him because I rarely ever see him, so it's just not a worthwhile ban, and I'd say the same for Aurelion Sol if he's as rare as I'm assuming.
Yeah, my default bans are Malphite and Ekko. After that I just **** around honestly. I haven't seen an Aurelion Sol in ranked yet but that might also be because I frequently ban the dragon.

But thanks for the recommendations, I'll add Taric to my list at least, he's pretty insane.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 3:58pm | Report
maokai is full ebola

you prolly want to get that **** out of ur games first : ^)

also, no nid ban vapora?
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 4:20pm | Report
Personally I don't mind playing against Nid, she doesn't usually carry my games and as ADC I'm confident that I can kite her and dodge most spears.

I just have Kindred as a ban because as jungle Hecarim specifically she's a pain in the *** to deal with, otherwise I have no problem playing against her.
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 7:59pm | Report
Your jungler certainly won't appreciate playing against nid/kindred :^)
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 8:07pm | Report
i know on NA the need for nid bans rises exponentially as u soar past diamond

low dia sometimes it doesn't matter if u leave her open since ppl don't know how to use her, but as u go higher and higher she becomes permaban because of how ebola her pressure is early on. i think hax can confirm this?

not sure how the situation is on euw
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2016 8:26pm | Report
depends on your jungler tbh. if you are playing t1/high t2 jungler you can get away with it, but even bad nidalee players should smash ****ty tier 3 junglers every time past d5, you just cant keep up with her

nidalee unbanned that isn't vs kindred or a good lee/rek/graves player in master+ should be instant win for nidalee team as long as he isnt garbo. nid stomps gragas pretty hard too

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