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Rollercoaster Tycoon World revealed for early 2015

Creator: Quite Nomible October 15, 2014 5:03am
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Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 15, 2014 12:20pm | Report
I never even looked into RTC4 was it really that filled with micro transactions?

also Daikatana how much of a let down you were, completely ruining John Romero's gaming career in the Genera that he was a pioneer in.

also Daikatana 64 was one of Jon Trons first reviews
Sig by Janitsu
Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2014 2:03am | Report
I never even looked into RTC4 was it really that filled with micro transactions?

also Daikatana how much of a let down you were, completely ruining John Romero's gaming career in the Genera that he was a pioneer in.

also Daikatana 64 was one of Jon Trons first reviews

It's not just the micro transactions(even though this pissed me off enough already, you can pay for $130 just to get ingame cash/tickets...), it was extremely buggy as well on the release and if you compare it to RCT1/2/3 it's absolutely sickening when you see the things they've done to the game. I could give you a whole list of things what's no longer possible in RCT4 and how many steps they've taken backwards if you're interested, but to give a simple TL;DR of RCT4: it's a P2P version of a pre-alpha version of RCT1 covered with Farmville graphics and gameplay.

You could play it and compare it to Daikatana if you want to decide what's the worst game ever. I didn't play Daikatana at all, but my guess is that you really have to think twice before deciding which game is the worst. Like really, it destroys your entire childhood of RCT in every aspect after 10 years of no new version of RCT.
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