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Who done it?!

Creator: Nyoike November 15, 2011 6:55pm
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Nyoike's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2011 6:55pm | Report
Somehow, I have no ****in' idea how, I got signed up for some things.

Now it's not all bad, I get some free stuff out of it...
But... I have ABSOLUTELY no use for any of it...

1st thing I got, was an email from Parent Magazine (some magazine for mommies to read when they pregnant or something like that) saying my order was accepted, total price of $0.00.

I thought it was just spam or something, then I get more emails from them. Supposedly I'm getting a free 2 year subscription from them.

No clue how the hell they got my info, but they had all the correct shipping info, and my name and email address...

I have not seen any of these magazines actually arrive at my house, but I'm not going to be surprised if they do.

2nd thing I got, which I recieved today, was...

a box of free Similac (baby formula)...

And I was told about it from my dad, who said I had a package, I got the pic of it and freaked out.

Again, all the correct info, but this one I actually received!

I have no clue how the hell any of the companies got any of my info, or why they sent it to me...

I'm a 17 year old, almost 18, guy... WHAT IN ALL OF HELL WOULD I NEED THEM FOR?!

inb4 "is there something we need to know?"
To be updated soon!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2011 7:00pm | Report
Someone wanted a girl methinks.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2011 10:04pm | Report
tl;dr- I've done it with your sister.
IceCreamy wrote:

(1:07): I prefer your balls over ***hol

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