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Feral Flare: Good or Bad?

Creator: Janitsu April 5, 2014 5:21am
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OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2014 4:46pm | Report
I think the numbers on the item are bonkers. I can see it being a staple on high elo junglers, but from my experience, the lower elo you go, the more people go out of their way to farm the damn thing and often give up a lot to do so.

Very risky, very high reward if everything goes right.
Last Primarch
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Jan 23rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2014 7:07pm | Report
NicknameMy wrote:
In a competitive team based around Warwicks AS-buff, it will be definitely better to go your way, but in solo queue you must deal the damage.

Actually, I have to disagree with you there. It's a myth, an urban legend, a popular lie that in solo queue you have to carry the team if you want to go anywhere. I know I'm only plat now, but I made it to diamond with a support-focused WW at the beginning of the season. And I didn't do it because I'm good. In fact, I'm terrible at LoL. The second I start playing carries like Kha in the jungle, I become Gold at best. It's supports that win games.

I mean, sure, it's good to have a strong ADC or AP carry. But if I have to choose, the one other player that I want to be really good on my team is the support. A good support plus a strong support jungle will win games over and over if the carries are even just meh. As is, I've started taking Wit's End after Zeke's Herald because it does synergize very well, but I would not take BotRK unless I was very, very fed. Besides which, Feral Flare brings enough damage and heals late game that building tank is actually much more viable for dueling.
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2014 10:15pm | Report
My second jungler is Gangplank, another one with a supportive nature through his slows and speed buff.^^

And I also have a tankier build which actually lets out botrk, but in most games my carries are dumb and I have to do the damage myself. zeke's herald isn't the best item, though, i would rather go tankier because the people tend to focus me.
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Last Primarch
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Jan 23rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2014 10:21pm | Report
Zeke's Herald is a bit of an odd duck. However, it's incredibly gold efficient with even just two allies who benefit from it.
"Our flaws make us interesting, our virtues merely make us tolerable."
NorthernRedStar's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2014 12:59pm | Report
Found it rather likable on jungle Aatrox, helps him translate from early game ganker into excellent mid-game duelist and further into late game melee carry.
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2014 3:07am | Report
yeah basically been running feral flare on ww. its just insane.
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NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2014 4:04am | Report
Hmm, Irelia jungle with Feral Flare? Shouldn't that work well aswell? She has a gap closer, sustain like Warwick, a slow/stun and an ult that heals her aswell. And her damage is based onto auto attacks, which makes Feral Flare really strong. Just don't know how fast her jungling is. Also, everything Irelia can do, Jax can do it aswell.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2014 2:16pm | Report
I think jungle jax is a thing now. Although i'm still a little confused as to why one would want such a strong duelist as a jungler, instead of a top laner
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