Troy Sin wrote:
Holy **** :D sure sounds like fun! can work in some circumstances imo, but sounds like a really slow scaling build. roa-seraps. and the meta is early game atm. So maybe dont go seraps.
Thanks for the tip sorry for late reply, I realise that it will put you behind and ofc early game is very important, I just used it for that huge ap boost late game, it may be more ideal to rush straight Into a lich bane. Ignoring seraphs allowed me to play better and have a stronger mid game, thanks for your help
i play a LOT of naut jg and my build typically has a RoA, just remember his aa does increased damage with an active W so adding attack speed scales really heavily on him, naut is one of the highest scaling champions in the game as he scales on AD AP and health, and can be played with AS so its hard to create a build that doesnt work on him, dont be afraid to mix it up, if your team comp is heavy Ap try hydra cleaver and frozen mallet, your team needs some tank thrown in warmogs and sunfire cape, with naut the sky is the limit, personally i would drop the seraphs for warmogs or abyssal, laning against a nasus maybe try the new grevious wounds item. PM me sometime if you want to talk ideas, i love what i call "build crafting" with my mates, who knows maybe together we can find a crazy new build haha
sure that might sound useful on paper but as top lane naut ur job is to be the tank for ur team and **** out CC, it's not to do the most damage. Ur build takes too long to scale up to be effective as opposode to straight up going for tank items and actually being useful midgame. RoA used to be built on top lane naut (or still is idk) but he's a situational pick anyway because meta top laners like Fiora completely demolish him
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