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The killing machine.

Creator: Xgscrimson February 26, 2014 7:15am
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Xgscrimson's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 7:15am | Report
Okay, so I decided to go through the masteries, the runes, then the items, and then finally the champions to find an optimized killing machine, a champion that could keep on killing again and again with no rest, could enter fights and take all the prizes, to solo anyone including baron in record time and what I came up with is this:

A 30/0/0 build with 100% scaling AP/AD runes, using items that give 69% spell vamp on.. Akali.

Using the following items:

Hextech gunblade
Boots of Swiftness
Trinity Force (haha Zelda...)
Nashoors Tooth
Ravenous Hydra
Spirit Visage

I've created an Akali build that seems only to be rivaled by poor decision making (i.e playing against a 5/6 man team who are competent and trying to take on 3/4 of them at once whilst they are within very close proximity (though on the odd occasion this has worked!))

The idea is that you get the boots first, stay alive till around 6/7 in your lane, gold farming isn't crucial at this point, though it does help, just hold them off from popping your turret, then from there the fun begins, by this point you should be almost complete on your gunblade, probably boots and the two sub items to the gunblade.

Once you get the first few kills you start to realize what you have going now, picking off weaker targets at the start then harder ones later.

The items compliment each other beautifully because each of them offers more damage in one way or another, two give better instant damage on auto attacks, two give a nice instant damage spell, which is ideal, the Gunblade (being my fav item here) means that you have 2 ranged pokes on fairly short cooldowns, all items and cooldowns are ready every fight.

Eventually if you get fast enough with the build you end up pushing all of your striking buttons with what may aswell be the palm of your hand, achieving kill after kill I've pushed up to 38 kills in one game so far using this build.

Now as for the champion chosen, well Akali is the only champion that can do the killing spree thing in this way, her ultimate means that she can bounce from target to target, even the tougher ones that take 2/3 strikes from her ult will give her another ult to use, you can ping pong your way around the enemy team dropping strikes like they were free, infact this build is so efficient at killing and moving quickly I've often lost sight of her off my screen and died because I was too busy failing to multitask moving the screen and pushing buttons, in the hands of a more skilled player (who isnt playing on their back on their bed with a laptop propped up like this) you would more than likely go for 40 kills 0 deaths.

Things I've noticed to look out for are.. dying too early or being too confident too early and going for fed opponents, this build is a scaling build and really comes into it's own around the level 11 mark.
There isn't so much an issue with over extending when using this build, because that's exactly what it's designed to do, you are meant to chase them down like a dog on heat, attacking (humping) everyone in sight right the way past their turrets, even onto their starting stairway.

Don't think you're invincible with this build either, you're not, far from it, what you can do is kill people VERY fast, and keep killing people very fast, though if you rush into a team fight first and they are clustered or on higher levels of HP, you're guna die before you kill even 1 of them.

The masteries are fairly self explanatory, you want to take 30 in Offense that all increase your damage/ability power/spelldamage after a basic strike.. etc.. yeah it's not really too hard to work out what goes well with her. oh and don't take ability cooldown, you don't need that one.

Anyway, that's about it for this wall of text, I hope it was a good read, and informative on how to build/play your Akali like she was a psycho, it is VERY fun and VERY rewarding to play her in this way I find, every game I burst out in laughter as that penta/hexa comes up.

P.S I play her midlane.

Xgscrimson's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 7:21am | Report
Oh, I forgot to mention that I take Flash and Teleport, using the wards/mushrooms (thanks Teemo) as a warp in points, this really helps for getting around the map quickly, basically speed is everything!
luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 7:40am | Report
Squishy Akali is squishy and wishes I didn't have a pink ward. I'd look forward to facing you and proceeding to rip you a new one. Seriously.

That does look like fun if you can pull it off, I just don't see that happening too often.
<Inhouse Addict>
Hannul's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 4:07pm | Report
This is a DPS build rather than a burst build lol

Basically how I play LoL
Xgscrimson's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 4:27pm | Report
luizdeh wrote:

Squishy Akali is squishy and wishes I didn't have a pink ward. I'd look forward to facing you and proceeding to rip you a new one. Seriously.

That does look like fun if you can pull it off, I just don't see that happening too often.

Agreed, she is crazy squishy, which is why you have to be really cheeky with your timing, though I find with her that when I use this build I tend to get so far ahead (having over half the teams kills by the end) that most people panic when they see you even close to them, psychologically this build is terrifying, however if you know what you're doing she does go splat really fast.

The point you made about the ward, well I tend not to use the stealth bubble much at all, it slows down the button mashing too much haha, the only time I really use it is once I've engaged someone and they actually get an opportunity to return more than a single auto attack.

She tends to move so quickly (think 438 speed + her dash ult) that by the time the person has spotted you and got an opportunity to react they have already been hit by an ult, an item or two, and her moonblade attack (I think that's what it's called) which in most circumstances is WAYYYYY more than enough to finish most squishys, that and people tend to run in fear (not that it ever helps haha!)

Biggest issue I had was facing off with other assassin characters with similar item levels, so kata was an issue in one of my games, but that seems to be a do or die situation anyway.

Still fun though ;)
Xgscrimson's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 4:34pm | Report
Hannul wrote:

This is a DPS build rather than a burst build lol

You're right, it is a DPS build, but the DPS put out is so high, think 300-400 from the hextech, 350-450 from her ult, a 200% damage auto attack from the trinity force, another auto attack, a 100% damage strike from the hydra and then another 400 from her moonblade strike in around about 0.6 seconds (depending on how fast you are at clicking and buttonpushing). By the time the opponent reacts.. their already dead unless they are a tank build, in which case your vamp is so high (69% on spell vamp) they can't stand and fight anyway because you heal faster than a tank can damage.

The stats I'm rocking with this build is a 1.79 attack speed, 330AD, 300AP, not to mention the buffed up auto attacks from nash tooth.

Stuns don't seem to be too much of an issue too, by the end of the build you have 2500 hp which means you can soak a bit of damage in a 1v1 situation, but yeah.. most people explode before they react :)
Ironwill555's Forum Avatar
Mar 12th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 1:59pm | Report
Not bad. I think I'll try it. Also the killing machine sounds a bit like a jungle creep name, get on that riot.
Truly, truly, outrageous.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 2:59pm | Report
luizdeh wrote:

Squishy Akali is squishy and wishes I didn't have a pink ward. I'd look forward to facing you and proceeding to rip you a new one. Seriously.

That does look like fun if you can pull it off, I just don't see that happening too often.

If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 4:35pm | Report
And then you get hit and die instantly
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 11:19pm | Report
Xgscrimson wrote:

The masteries are fairly self explanatory, you want to take 30 in Offense that all increase your damage/ability power/spelldamage after a basic strike.. etc.. yeah it's not really too hard to work out what goes well with her. oh and don't take ability cooldown, you don't need that one.

If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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