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Vayne Top and alternative Vayne Builds

Creator: Jpikachu1999 March 2, 2016 2:49pm
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2016 2:49pm | Report
I haven't actually tested it, but it seems like Vayne top lane might be something viable. Sort of like Quinn top lane but a little more situational. I could really see her bullying some melee champs.

As for alternate builds (totally different topic), I was contemplating CDR Vayne and Bruiser Vayne.

CDR Vayne is based around going 12/18/0 to pick up Intelligence , getting Essence Reaver, and getting 10% CDR from Glyphs to reach 45% CDR. That gives Tumble a 1.1 second cooldown at max rank, Condemn a 6.6 second cooldown at max rank, and a mere 38.5 second cooldown on Final Hour. I'm not sure how viable it is, but it seems like a fun idea, if nothing else. Trinity Force might be worth adding in somewhere.

Bruiser Vayne is based on the fact that she only needs attack speed to really work. Blade of the Ruined King + Wit's End should work just fine. Round out the build with items like Sterak's Gage, Frozen Mallet, and Dead Man's Plate/ Randuin's Omen.

Any thoughts? These obviously wouldn't be mainstream, but I think they could be fun to play with from time to time.

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