Nearby enemies have reduced Attack Damage and Ability Power (5/10/15) + 25% for each additional enemy (max 10/20/30). Hitting an enemy unit with an auto attack, grants 1/2 (becomes 2 at level 11) adrenaline (max. 100). Adrenaline for basic attacks doesn't deplete over time. All of the adrenaline is lost upon death
Q: Toggle: Rough hits
His basic attacks have a reduced 25 range (150). For every hit he gets 5/8/11/14/17% reduced incoming damage for 3 seconds. The effect stacks 2 times ONLY AT MAX RANK. Each hit consumes 10 adrenaline. You can't fill adrenaline while dmg reduction effect is activated.
Can be toggled off only after 4 seconds. If toggled on, and have no adrenaline, the dmg reduction effect does not take place but the reduced range remains.
W: Reasoning
Active: Zeka reminds himself what happenned to his family and fills his adrenaline by 10/20/30/40/50. The bonus adrenaline remains, are lost after 5/6/7/8/9 seconds and the ability then goes on cooldown for 9/8/7/6/5 seconds.
Passive: Gains 5/10/15/20/25% of his bonus HP, as bonus HP. (zed like)
E: Now or never!
Range of rush 400
Cone is like Kassadin's E
Zeka performs a dropkick in a straight line, until he collides with an enemy or at max range (500). The enemy of collision, is thrown down (Stunned, with cool animation) for 1 second and the ground shatters in a cone behind the struck enemy, slowing other enemies for 10/25/40/55/70%. The shatter lasts 1/2/3/4/5 seconds. The slow refreshes. Consumes 50 adrenaline.
R: Sucker Punch:
Can only be activated at max adrenaline and only after 120/100/80 seconds from the last time it was cast. Consumes 100 adrenaline.
Jumps on enemy champion in a range of 400. It snares it for 1 second. Then Zeka in memory of his family punches with all his force the target. It does 300/350/400 magic damage (+ 100% of bonus AD) + (100% of bonus AP). If the target dies, Zeka gains retaliation for 10 seconds which grants him 15% of the dead targets AP, AD, Armor and Magical Resist.
Base stats:
Magic Resist:30
Movement speed:330
Base attack speed:0,65
Atk speed @ lvl 18:1
My brother says I created an Aatrox with a semi assassinesque ulti and a season 1 passive.
Rich kid, not spoiled, with good martial training, lost his family due to its importance (they financed piltover's scientific program) during a noxian invasion. Only family left: Jayce. Since a Sion rework is upon us, the story could include the murder of Sion by Zeka during that invasion. (Say sion was the responsible for the death of his family)
First champion I make, I think the really op thing is his E.
[quote=the chaos bringer 00]Passive: Intimidation
Nearby enemies have reduced Attack Damage and Ability Power (5/10/15) + 25% for each additional enemy (max 10/20/30). Hitting an enemy unit with an auto attack, grants 1/2 (becomes 2 at level 11) adrenaline (max. 100). Adrenaline for basic attacks doesn't deplete over time. All of the adrenaline is lost upon death
Q: Toggle: Rough hits
His basic attacks have a reduced 25 range (150). For every hit he gets 5/8/11/14/17% reduced incoming damage for 3 seconds. The effect stacks 2 times ONLY AT MAX RANK. Each hit consumes 10 adrenaline. You can't fill adrenaline while dmg reduction effect is activated.
Can be toggled off only after 4 seconds. If toggled on, and have no adrenaline, the dmg reduction effect does not take place but the reduced range remains.
W: Reasoning
Active: Zeka reminds himself what happenned to his family and fills his adrenaline by 10/20/30/40/50. The bonus adrenaline remains, are lost after 5/6/7/8/9 seconds and the ability then goes on cooldown for 9/8/7/6/5 seconds.
Passive: Gains 5/10/15/20/25% of his bonus HP, as bonus HP. (zed like)
E: Now or never!
Range of rush 400
Cone is like Kassadin's E
Zeka performs a dropkick in a straight line, until he collides with an enemy or at max range (500). The enemy of collision, is thrown down (Stunned, with cool animation) for 1 second and the ground shatters in a cone behind the struck enemy, slowing other enemies for 10/25/40/55/70%. The shatter lasts 1/2/3/4/5 seconds. The slow refreshes. Consumes 50 adrenaline.
R: Sucker Punch:
Can only be activated at max adrenaline and only after 120/100/80 seconds from the last time it was cast. Consumes 100 adrenaline.
Jumps on enemy champion in a range of 400. It snares it for 1 second. Then Zeka in memory of his family punches with all his force the target. It does 300/350/400 magic damage (+ 100% of bonus AD) + (100% of bonus AP). If the target dies, Zeka gains retaliation for 10 seconds which grants him 15% of the dead targets AP, AD, Armor and Magical Resist.
Base stats:
Magic Resist:30
Movement speed:330
Base attack speed:0,65
Atk speed @ lvl 18:1
Suggested Build: [[Ionian Boots of Lucidity]],[[Ravenous Hydra]],[[Last Whisper]],[[Zhephyr]],[[Randuin's Omen]],[[Spirit Visage]]
My brother says I created an [[Aatrox]] with a semi assassinesque ulti and a season 1 passive.
Rich kid, not spoiled, with good martial training, lost his family due to its importance (they financed piltover's scientific program) during a noxian invasion. Only family left: [[Jayce]]. Since a [[Sion]] rework is upon us, the story could include the murder of Sion by Zeka during that invasion. (Say sion was the responsible for the death of his family)
First champion I make, I think the really op thing is his E.[/quote]
Nearby enemies have reduced Attack Damage and Ability Power (5/10/15) + 25% for each additional enemy (max 10/20/30). Hitting an enemy unit with an auto attack, grants 1/2 (becomes 2 at level 11) adrenaline (max. 100). Adrenaline for basic attacks doesn't deplete over time. All of the adrenaline is lost upon death
Q: Toggle: Rough hits
His basic attacks have a reduced 25 range (150). For every hit he gets 5/8/11/14/17% reduced incoming damage for 3 seconds. The effect stacks 2 times ONLY AT MAX RANK. Each hit consumes 10 adrenaline. You can't fill adrenaline while dmg reduction effect is activated.
Can be toggled off only after 4 seconds. If toggled on, and have no adrenaline, the dmg reduction effect does not take place but the reduced range remains.
W: Reasoning
Active: Zeka reminds himself what happenned to his family and fills his adrenaline by 10/20/30/40/50. The bonus adrenaline remains, are lost after 5/6/7/8/9 seconds and the ability then goes on cooldown for 9/8/7/6/5 seconds.
Passive: Gains 5/10/15/20/25% of his bonus HP, as bonus HP. (zed like)
E: Now or never!
Range of rush 400
Cone is like Kassadin's E
Zeka performs a dropkick in a straight line, until he collides with an enemy or at max range (500). The enemy of collision, is thrown down (Stunned, with cool animation) for 1 second and the ground shatters in a cone behind the struck enemy, slowing other enemies for 10/25/40/55/70%. The shatter lasts 1/2/3/4/5 seconds. The slow refreshes. Consumes 50 adrenaline.
R: Sucker Punch:
Can only be activated at max adrenaline and only after 120/100/80 seconds from the last time it was cast. Consumes 100 adrenaline.
Jumps on enemy champion in a range of 400. It snares it for 1 second. Then Zeka in memory of his family punches with all his force the target. It does 300/350/400 magic damage (+ 100% of bonus AD) + (100% of bonus AP). If the target dies, Zeka gains retaliation for 10 seconds which grants him 15% of the dead targets AP, AD, Armor and Magical Resist.
Base stats:
Magic Resist:30
Movement speed:330
Base attack speed:0,65
Atk speed @ lvl 18:1
Suggested Build: Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Ravenous Hydra, Last Whisper, Zhephyr, Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage
My brother says I created an Aatrox with a semi assassinesque ulti and a season 1 passive.
Rich kid, not spoiled, with good martial training, lost his family due to its importance (they financed piltover's scientific program) during a noxian invasion. Only family left: Jayce. Since a Sion rework is upon us, the story could include the murder of Sion by Zeka during that invasion. (Say sion was the responsible for the death of his family)
First champion I make, I think the really op thing is his E.