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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Ravenous Hydra

Ravenous Hydra
Total Price: 3300 | Recipe Price: 200 | Sell Price: 2310

LoL Item: Ravenous Hydra
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 65 Attack Damage
  • 12% Life Steal

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-hit deal [40% AD for Melee | 20% AD for Ranged] physical damage to other enemies in a 350 radius centered around the target.

UNIQUE Active: Deal 80% AD physical damage to enemies within a 450 radius in front of you (10 second cooldown).
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 65 Attack Damage
  • 12% Life Steal

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-hit deal [40% AD for Melee | 20% AD for Ranged] physical damage to other enemies in a 350 radius centered around the target.

UNIQUE Active: Deal 80% AD physical damage to enemies within a 450 radius in front of you (10 second cooldown).

Ravenous Hydra builds into these items:

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GarnetGaming | April 29, 2021 4:49pm
Is it possible to buy this on ranged champions now? I saw something on titanic hydra specifying a difference between melee and ranged,which would imply being able to buy it on ranged champions, which would imply being able to buy Tiamat on ranged champions, which wouldn’t make much sense if you can’t buy ravenous hydra on ranged champions.
Hannsnow | July 9, 2020 4:09pm
Just looking at this I seeing eight that the "Damage dealt by this item benefits from life steal (melee only)." is not unique? Since in game it says 50%, can you theoretically have 100% of you lifesteal as additional damage???
BlackRoseGirl (8) | September 24, 2019 3:45pm
Does the 60% AD go to your primary target?
PsiGuard (1495) | September 24, 2019 6:01pm
No, just the targets around it. You can get a bit extra damage on one target by using the active though, since it acts more like a spell and you can weave it in between your attacks.
BlackRoseGirl (8) | October 4, 2019 8:37pm
Thank you so much! I’ve been wondering about that for a while. Another question for you: can I buy this item on a ranged champ like Sivir? Because the lifesteal passive says “melee only” but the item itself does not. And speaking of that, does lifesteal apply to the crescent active on melee champions?
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iVlaad | May 10, 2017 10:12pm
Brian Hail (8) | January 7, 2015 8:00pm
Hapi Farm wrote:

Does it work on Kayle E ??! (Is Kayle still count as Melee ?)

Doesn't. Works on normal AA but not the E.
pimoz (3) | February 3, 2014 7:01am
quite nice, AoE for farming, ls for sustain and good stats, build this on master yi and you will start to know what is OVER POWER
Memories | January 14, 2014 9:09pm
Hapi Farm wrote:

Does it work on Kayle E ??! (Is Kayle still count as Melee ?)

Pretty sure Kayle E turns her into a ranged champ.
Quote from the wiki
"ACTIVE: Kayle ignites her sword and becomes ranged for 10 seconds, granting her bonus magic damage on her attacks and increasing her attack range by 400 (525 total range). Additionally, attacks on non-tower units damage other enemies within 150 range of the target."
Disturbator (1) | June 27, 2013 2:34pm
This item is AWESOME on Udyr! With BotRK and Tiger Stance it will make you a BEAST!
Gannakus | May 8, 2013 3:38am
Argoth14 wrote:

This is a game ender with Sion if you get this with a phantom dancer in 3v3 you become unstoppable when you use Sion's ulti, I have not played a game where within 5 minutes of getting this we win or they surrender.

Um, did you mean you haven't played a game where you DIDN'T win? ;)

But yeah I've found this item pretty nice for late game shredding, apart from Sion I can't really seem to fit it into many of my builds as a core item though. Works well on Talon when you can cutthroat in and pop the active for that little bit more burst dam in a teamfight on multiple opponents.
Nakihashi | April 7, 2013 7:09pm
Does this item work with on-hit effects (like poppy's Q)?
Argoth14 | March 25, 2013 7:47am
This is a game ender with Sion if you get this with a phantom dancer in 3v3 you become unstoppable when you use Sion's ulti, I have not played a game where within 5 minutes of getting this we win or they surrender.
cutter | January 24, 2013 7:34am
Hapi Farm wrote:

Does it work on Kayle E ??! (Is Kayle still count as Melee ?)

No, they're counted as ranged for the duration of the ability. Same goes for Jayce and Elise when they switch forms.
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