Can be upgraded in:
Hexdrinker (useful for AD, that fight vs mages, can be upgraded into anti-mage item[useful for trynda, that fights vs mages]).
Last Whisper (useful to penetrate tanks).
Madred's Razors (useful for junglers, can be upgraded in perfect jungle item, that allow to fast kill baron or dragon, buffs).
Manamune (mana+dmg, tear effect. Useful for Urgot).
Phage (standard fighter item, can be upgraded in Frozen Mallet or Trinity force).
Sword of the Occult (snowball item[more kills=more bonuses], useful, if you playing very well).
The Brutalizer (useful item in game start [nice dmg, nice penetration {only early game}, cd reduction], can be upgraded into Yomumu, useful upgrade of this item)
Tiamat (only 1 item in game, that give splash to your attacks [range champs=35%, melee=50%], this bonuses stack, also gives survilability).
Lightbringer (Dominion item, that gives nice attack speed, and gives vision of your target)
Sword, long sword.
Oh, really?
Hexdrinker (useful for AD, that fight vs mages, can be upgraded into anti-mage item[useful for trynda, that fights vs mages]).
Last Whisper (useful to penetrate tanks).
Madred's Razors (useful for junglers, can be upgraded in perfect jungle item, that allow to fast kill baron or dragon, buffs).
Manamune (mana+dmg, tear effect. Useful for Urgot).
Phage (standard fighter item, can be upgraded in Frozen Mallet or Trinity force).
Sword of the Occult (snowball item[more kills=more bonuses], useful, if you playing very well).
The Brutalizer (useful item in game start [nice dmg, nice penetration {only early game}, cd reduction], can be upgraded into Yomumu, useful upgrade of this item)
Tiamat (only 1 item in game, that give splash to your attacks [range champs=35%, melee=50%], this bonuses stack, also gives survilability).
Lightbringer (Dominion item, that gives nice attack speed, and gives vision of your target)