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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Long Sword

Long Sword
Total Price: 350 | Sell Price: 245

LoL Item: Long Sword
  • 10 Attack Damage
  • 10 Attack Damage

Long Sword builds into these items:

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TwitcherBrain (37) | November 4, 2012 11:10am
torchen wrote:

Sword, long sword.

Oh, really?
torchen | October 9, 2012 7:47pm
Sword, long sword.
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 7:01am
Can be upgraded in:
Hexdrinker (useful for AD, that fight vs mages, can be upgraded into anti-mage item[useful for trynda, that fights vs mages]).
Last Whisper (useful to penetrate tanks).
Madred's Razors (useful for junglers, can be upgraded in perfect jungle item, that allow to fast kill baron or dragon, buffs).
Manamune (mana+dmg, tear effect. Useful for Urgot).
Phage (standard fighter item, can be upgraded in Frozen Mallet or Trinity force).
Sword of the Occult (snowball item[more kills=more bonuses], useful, if you playing very well).
The Brutalizer (useful item in game start [nice dmg, nice penetration {only early game}, cd reduction], can be upgraded into Yomumu, useful upgrade of this item)
Tiamat (only 1 item in game, that give splash to your attacks [range champs=35%, melee=50%], this bonuses stack, also gives survilability).
Lightbringer (Dominion item, that gives nice attack speed, and gives vision of your target)
Rizzojr1129 | June 30, 2011 10:12pm
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