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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Serrated Dirk

Serrated Dirk
Total Price: 1000 | Recipe Price: 300 | Sell Price: 700

LoL Item: Serrated Dirk
  • 20 Attack Damage

UNIQUE Passive: Gain 10 lethality.
  • 20 Attack Damage

UNIQUE Passive: Gain 10 lethality.

Serrated Dirk builds into these items:

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EpicEvan921 | August 23, 2019 9:59pm
Was there seriously never an item that you bought that can upgrade to this through a quest? I could swear on my life something like that existed somewhere.
PH45 (39) | August 23, 2019 11:05pm
You are talking about Poacher's Dirk? After you killed 4 large jungle monsters from enemy camps it upgraded to a Serrated Dirk.
Fruxo (331) | August 24, 2019 1:50am
Yeah that item got removed a while ago.
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