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40% crit chance by namvip997 » Aug 15 @ 06:27pm At 40% crit, the odds of getting... MungoGeri Aug 15 @ 07:55pm 616 2
Vi gank mechanics by Wuscle » Aug 13 @ 12:49pm Wuscle Aug 13 @ 12:49pm 338 1
Funny Montage video #1 by Perungpg » Aug 11 @ 01:43pm Funny montage video for you... Perungpg Aug 11 @ 01:43pm 487 1
Rumble MIDLANE by tmzyo » Aug 11 @ 07:39am tmzyo Aug 11 @ 07:39am 418 1
Rumble Mid 1v2 by tmzyo » Aug 9 @ 10:58am tmzyo Aug 9 @ 10:58am 401 1
Vynertje streaming! by Vynertje » Jun 22 @ 02:32am 1 2 Streaming my final promo game to... Vynertje Aug 8 @ 12:28pm 1,841 12
Fantastic 4 Team Comp by Ereaper » Aug 4 @ 07:01am {empty} Ereaper Aug 4 @ 07:01am 373 1
Should League Copy DOTA2? by xNaStRaDaMuS » Aug 3 @ 06:09am {empty} xNaStRaDaMuS Aug 3 @ 06:09am 386 1
1 HP NEXUS by namvip997 » Jul 27 @ 08:33pm namvip997 Jul 27 @ 08:33pm 397 1
Come join me in my stream!! by Hutic » Jul 24 @ 03:38am Hutic Jul 24 @ 03:38am 569 1
[LoL] - How To SUPPORT by Valgathem » Jul 16 @ 08:31am - How To SUPPORT Valgathem Jul 16 @ 08:31am 379 1

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