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LOLTYLER1 rage and flame after bad flash by AllLoL » Mar 12 @ 02:10am LMFAO TYLER1 AllLoL Mar 12 @ 02:10am 679 1
4v5 carry ekko by ekko710 » Mar 9 @ 05:32pm ekko710 Mar 9 @ 05:32pm 749 1
vayne.exe by cyanpaw » Mar 9 @ 06:37am cyanpaw Mar 9 @ 06:37am 663 1
This is how you Skarner in season 8 - Skarner 1v9 by Razsagoth » Feb 26 @ 08:42pm No replies yet. 592 0
Doggy nasus like a boss by eNzarpas » Feb 2 @ 10:01am eNzarpas Feb 2 @ 10:01am 606 1
MADLIFE SHOWS HOW TO PLAY SUPPORT by leaguebyvladiq » Feb 1 @ 02:39pm !!! leaguebyvladiq Feb 1 @ 02:39pm 627 1
Tyler1 Funny & Best Moments Compilation by Fl1pz » Feb 1 @ 05:17am Hope you all enjoy! Fl1pz Feb 1 @ 05:17am 626 1
how to save the game by 6amon6 » Jan 29 @ 02:38pm this is how i saved the game... 6amon6 Jan 29 @ 02:38pm 591 1
Aatrox finesse by 6amon6 » Jan 23 @ 03:27pm thanks man any feedback is great... 6amon6 Jan 28 @ 02:58pm 1,328 4
N@sus.exe [(I w@tch too much @nime)] by MeatFlute » Jan 24 @ 06:55pm like this vid... MeatFlute Jan 24 @ 06:55pm 687 1
ADC montage by purelydark » Jan 23 @ 05:00am ADC mix I made in plat. What do... purelydark Jan 23 @ 05:00am 874 1
VI is awesome by Vladmax » Jan 19 @ 01:11pm VI jungle... Vladmax Jan 19 @ 01:11pm 843 1
TRICK2G WITH THE NEXT LEVEL RIFT HERALD by leaguebyvladiq » Jan 19 @ 11:58am !!! leaguebyvladiq Jan 19 @ 11:58am 720 1
Fear of the jungle by Vladmax » Jan 18 @ 11:53am Jarvan IV jungle... Vladmax Jan 18 @ 11:53am 565 1
HE SINGS - THEY DIE by leaguebyvladiq » Jan 16 @ 02:55pm ! HI leaguebyvladiq Jan 16 @ 02:55pm 565 1

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