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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Corrupting Potion

Corrupting Potion
Total Price: 500 | Recipe Price: 350 | Sell Price: 200

LoL Item: Corrupting Potion

Click: For 12 seconds, regenerates 5.208 health and 3.125 mana every half-second for a total of 100 health and 75 mana as well as grants Touch of Corruption.

UNIQUE Passive: Abilities and basic attacks apply a burn that damages enemy champions for 15 bonus magic damage over 3 seconds, increased to 20 for manaless champions. Bonus damage is halved for area of effect and damage over time effects. Corrupting Potion can be used even at full health and mana.

Limited to 1 type of Potion. Holds up to 3 charges that refill upon visiting the shop.

Click: For 12 seconds, regenerates 5.208 health and 3.125 mana every half-second for a total of 100 health and 75 mana as well as grants Touch of Corruption.

UNIQUE Passive: Abilities and basic attacks apply a burn that damages enemy champions for 15 bonus magic damage over 3 seconds, increased to 20 for manaless champions. Bonus damage is halved for area of effect and damage over time effects. Corrupting Potion can be used even at full health and mana.

Limited to 1 type of Potion. Holds up to 3 charges that refill upon visiting the shop.

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Guye17 | November 5, 2021 12:43pm
Why is this item considered good with Poppy?
roddy rurik | January 26, 2020 2:39am
This potion we need to edit his using
Tdexzz | November 13, 2017 3:25pm
I did not understand the passive. Do I give half the damage from the skills or give me half the damage more?
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