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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Enchantment: Devourer

Enchantment: Devourer
Total Price: 1400 | Recipe Price: 400 | Sell Price: 0

LoL Item: Enchantment: Devourer
  • 40% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Devouring: Deals 30 magic damage on hit. Takedowns (kills or assists) will grant Devourer stacks, increasing the on-hit magic damage by 1.

Takedowns on:
- Large monsters and champions grant 1 stack.
- Rift Scuttlers and Rift Herald grant 2 stacks.
- Dragon, Baron and Vilemaw grant 5 stacks.

At 30 stacks, this enchantment turns into the Sated Devourer enchantment. At this point, takedowns no longer grow Devourer's damage, but every second (fourth for ranged champions) basic attack triggers on-hits twice.
  • 40% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Devouring: Deals 30 magic damage on hit. Takedowns (kills or assists) will grant Devourer stacks, increasing the on-hit magic damage by 1.

Takedowns on:
- Large monsters and champions grant 1 stack.
- Rift Scuttlers and Rift Herald grant 2 stacks.
- Dragon, Baron and Vilemaw grant 5 stacks.

At 30 stacks, this enchantment turns into the Sated Devourer enchantment. At this point, takedowns no longer grow Devourer's damage, but every second (fourth for ranged champions) basic attack triggers on-hits twice.

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tradtrad (2) | May 14, 2015 9:39am
It's and enchantment for jungle items, not a physical item you can buy. like homeguard is for boots
Cat In Tuxedo | February 22, 2015 11:50am
Ive never see this item
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