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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Hextech Revolver

Hextech Revolver
Total Price: 1050 | Recipe Price: 180 | Sell Price: 735

LoL Item: Hextech Revolver
  • 40 Ability Power

UNIQUE Passive: Magic Bolt: Damaging an enemy champion with a basic attack shocks them for 50-125 (at levels 1-18) bonus magic damage (40 second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).
  • 40 Ability Power

UNIQUE Passive: Magic Bolt: Damaging an enemy champion with a basic attack shocks them for 50-125 (at levels 1-18) bonus magic damage (40 second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).

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Meiyjhe (539) | March 21, 2013 5:12am
nuthing :P

It isn't a Singed item.

If you really want to buy it though, use it for Will of the Ancients.
Singed has no use for AD at all and the other alternative is a jungler item :P
PBN-DK (1) | March 21, 2013 5:08am
what should you upgrade it too ??? :) if you singed ?
Meiyjhe (539) | March 2, 2013 11:34am
Madreds wrote:

Does poison spells proc spell vamp? like Singed's Poison Trail or Teemos tozic shot?

Yes it does.

It does work with a lower percentage though
Madreds (7) | March 2, 2013 11:33am
Does poison spells proc spell vamp? like Singed's Poison Trail or Teemos tozic shot?
Krevatin | June 3, 2012 3:13am
This item saves lifes
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