League of Legends (LoL) Item: Malignance (Masterwork)
Malignance (Masterwork)
Total Price: 2700 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 1890
- 31 Ability Haste
- 110 Ability Power
- 600 Mana
UNIQUE Passive: Gain 20 ultimate haste.
UNIQUE Passive: Dealing ability damage to enemy champions with your ultimate ability creates a 251−550 radius scorched zone beneath them for 3 seconds, applying a Curse to enemies within that deals 15 (+1.25% per ability power) magic damage every 0.25 seconds and reduces their magic resistance by 10 (3 second cooldown; per target, starts on zone creation).
Can only be forged by Ornn.
- 31 Ability Haste
- 110 Ability Power
- 600 Mana
UNIQUE Passive: Gain 20 ultimate haste.
UNIQUE Passive: Dealing ability damage to enemy champions with your ultimate ability creates a 251−550 radius scorched zone beneath them for 3 seconds, applying a Curse to enemies within that deals 15 (+1.25% per ability power) magic damage every 0.25 seconds and reduces their magic resistance by 10 (3 second cooldown; per target, starts on zone creation).
Can only be forged by Ornn.
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