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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Remnant of the Ascended

Remnant of the Ascended
Total Price: 1500 | Recipe Price: 250 | Sell Price: 600

LoL Item: Remnant of the Ascended
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 2 Gold Generation
  • 200 Health
  • 125% Base Health Regeneration
  • 10 Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Favor: Nearby enemy minions, killed by any ally other than you, will sometimes drop a coin that can be picked up to either grant 50 gold or restore 6% missing mana (minimum 10). Gold coins can only drop if an allied champion is nearby. Cannon minions will drop a coin as long as you don't kill them.

UNIQUE Passive: Quest: Earn 500 gold using this item.
Reward: Item upgrades to Eye of Ascension, which can hold up to 4 ward charges.

You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 2 Gold Generation
  • 200 Health
  • 125% Base Health Regeneration
  • 10 Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Favor: Nearby enemy minions, killed by any ally other than you, will sometimes drop a coin that can be picked up to either grant 50 gold or restore 6% missing mana (minimum 10). Gold coins can only drop if an allied champion is nearby. Cannon minions will drop a coin as long as you don't kill them.

UNIQUE Passive: Quest: Earn 500 gold using this item.
Reward: Item upgrades to Eye of Ascension, which can hold up to 4 ward charges.

You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item.

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