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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Salvation

Total Price: 2100 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 1470

LoL Item: Salvation
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 300 Health
  • 150% Base Health Regeneration
  • 200% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: +10% bonus healing and shielding power.

UNIQUE Active: Target an area within 5500 range. After 2.5 second, call down a beam of light to heal allies for 30-370 (based on target's level) and deal 10% of maximum health true damage to enemy champions and 250 true damage to minions (120 second cooldown). Can be used while dead.

This effect is halved if the target has been recently affected by another Redemption. Redemption's heal amount is affected three times as much by heal and shield power amplifiers.

Only available when Ornn is on your team. Limited to one Master Craftsman item.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 300 Health
  • 150% Base Health Regeneration
  • 200% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: +10% bonus healing and shielding power.

UNIQUE Active: Target an area within 5500 range. After 2.5 second, call down a beam of light to heal allies for 30-370 (based on target's level) and deal 10% of maximum health true damage to enemy champions and 250 true damage to minions (120 second cooldown). Can be used while dead.

This effect is halved if the target has been recently affected by another Redemption. Redemption's heal amount is affected three times as much by heal and shield power amplifiers.

Only available when Ornn is on your team. Limited to one Master Craftsman item.

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