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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Sapphire Crystal

Sapphire Crystal
Total Price: 300 | Sell Price: 210

LoL Item: Sapphire Crystal
  • 300 Mana
  • 300 Mana

Sapphire Crystal builds into these items:

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teribithia | June 4, 2013 8:26pm
The item is a very very good for the mana-lacking hero.
UncleJimbo13 (3) | January 31, 2013 6:47pm
This item has good potential for Ryze, like stated above, as well as anyone who uses a Rod of Ages as a core item, since it builds into a Catalyst early on.

Also, it can be a really good starting item for an aggressive Blitzcrank; his mana shield getting boosted by that much helps a lot.
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 6:46am
Nice starter for Ryze or other mage, that Spell-spam.
IONIA_Shall_Not_Fall (4) | July 8, 2011 9:09pm
I love this as my starting item... U can't wrong with more Mana,(Unless U don't use mana)this is for 4 spamming or saving ur *** Via Escape spell...
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