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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Spirit of the Ancient Golem
Total Price: 2000 | Recipe Price: 450 | Sell Price: 1400

LoL Item: Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 20 Armor
  • 200 Health
  • 25 Health Multiplier

Passive: Sapping Barbs - Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 195). Wearer gains +60 health regeneration per 5 seconds and +45 mana regeneration per 5 seconds when in combat with monsters.

Active: Hunter's Ward - Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 20 Armor
  • 200 Health
  • 25 Health Multiplier

Passive: Sapping Barbs - Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 195). Wearer gains +60 health regeneration per 5 seconds and +45 mana regeneration per 5 seconds when in combat with monsters.

Active: Hunter's Ward - Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)

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XerroC | August 7, 2014 9:25am
After the Rework this item is very strong for mana hungry tank junglers (eg seju, maybe amumu, malphite) it makes their early jungle experience so much easier
MapperOP | October 31, 2013 10:02am
I found it extremely useful for building Taric. It's cheap, gives 10% cdr, 500 hp and mana/hp regen. All of that for only 2000 gold. I've been dubbed "jungle Taric" a few times for taking this item on my build.
Satella (177) | October 10, 2013 9:19pm

this item is not advisable to jungling

this comment is not advisable to accuracy
gat_cristian | October 10, 2013 9:10pm
this item is not advisable to jungling
Disturbator (1) | June 12, 2013 9:53am

Well now that I have this fantastic item for tenacity, I have to wonder what shoes I'll be getting the 90% of time I'd usually get Mercs.

Boots Of Mobility,of course D:
Mop Head | May 6, 2013 5:06am
Think of getting this and fighting Ancient golem and your like :hi there here's your soul and your suppose to be dead so let's make it right *Kill*
Bioalchemist (155) | April 10, 2013 9:33am
^ yup. RIP..not sure why they raped it. back to Madred's Razors
Gannakus | April 10, 2013 9:19am
No longer gives any armor, has 10% CDR and is made from Kindlegem not Giant's Belt. RIP my jungling buddy =(
motorsss (2) | February 17, 2013 6:21am
ninja tabi ofc
Desiderata03 (2) | December 16, 2012 2:30pm
Well now that I have this fantastic item for tenacity, I have to wonder what shoes I'll be getting the 90% of time I'd usually get Mercs.
donciux24 | December 6, 2012 3:17am
I think it ill be best item for jungling ever !!!!! OUU HAAA
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