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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Stormsurge

Total Price: 2900 | Recipe Price: 900 | Sell Price: 2030

LoL Item: Stormsurge
  • 90 Ability Power
  • 15 Magic Penetration
  • 4% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Dealing damage to an enemy champion equal to 25% of their maximum health within 2.5 seconds inflicts them with Squall and grants you 25% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds (30 second cooldown; starts on application).

UNIQUE Passive: After 2 seconds of having applied Squall, strike the target with lightning, dealing 125 (+10% of ability power) magic damage to them. If the target dies before being struck, they emit an electric field instantly that shocks all enemy champions near them, dealing them the same damage and granting you 30 gold.
  • 90 Ability Power
  • 15 Magic Penetration
  • 4% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Dealing damage to an enemy champion equal to 25% of their maximum health within 2.5 seconds inflicts them with Squall and grants you 25% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds (30 second cooldown; starts on application).

UNIQUE Passive: After 2 seconds of having applied Squall, strike the target with lightning, dealing 125 (+10% of ability power) magic damage to them. If the target dies before being struck, they emit an electric field instantly that shocks all enemy champions near them, dealing them the same damage and granting you 30 gold.

Stormsurge builds into these items:

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