League of Legends (LoL) Item: Sunfire Aegis
Sunfire Aegis
Total Price: 2700 | Recipe Price: 1000 | Sell Price: 1890
- 10 Ability Haste
- 50 Armor
- 350 Health
UNIQUE Passive: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 20 (+1% bonus health) magic damage every second to enemies within 325 (+100% bonus size) units, with the damage being increased by 50% against minions and monsters. This executes minions that would be killed by one more tick of damage.
- 10 Ability Haste
- 50 Armor
- 350 Health
UNIQUE Passive: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 20 (+1% bonus health) magic damage every second to enemies within 325 (+100% bonus size) units, with the damage being increased by 50% against minions and monsters. This executes minions that would be killed by one more tick of damage.
An odd buff/nerf to Sunfire Aegis, it will do less damage if you rush it, but be slightly more damaging late game.
Indeed. However I like it, especially on Garen - I'm free to get that brutalizer and maybe cdr boots before grabbing SC - without fear of losing valuable early dmg.
If i have 2 of theese does the sunfire capes together deal 80 magic damage to nearby enemies?
Nope, because "UNIQUE" passives do not stack (The effect from the second Sunfire Cape will not add damage).
If i have 2 of theese does the sunfire capes together deal 80 magic damage to nearby enemies?