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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Sword of the Divine

Sword of the Divine
Total Price: 2200 | Recipe Price: 850 | Sell Price: 1540

LoL Item: Sword of the Divine
  • 45% Attack Speed

Passive: This item does not grant any Attack Speed while on cooldown. Champion kills reduce the current cooldown by 50%.

UNIQUE Active: Gain 100% Attack Speed and 100% Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds or 3 critical strikes. 60 second cooldown.
  • 45% Attack Speed

Passive: This item does not grant any Attack Speed while on cooldown. Champion kills reduce the current cooldown by 50%.

UNIQUE Active: Gain 100% Attack Speed and 100% Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds or 3 critical strikes. 60 second cooldown.

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pimoz (4) | March 5, 2014 11:58am
has master yi writen all over it, certainly op, i mean yi is op.
Kingluis (8) | March 11, 2013 12:38pm
Twisted Fate critical damage runes + Sword of the Divine is just...

lets just say ad tf is stronger than ever :)
beastboy021 (2) | December 26, 2012 8:34pm
mr4speed | October 11, 2012 5:18am
i hope you all know that this item was removed because it makes one of the most unbalanced late game champs (Jax) in the game just broken. and the dodge is nice and all, but the stun after words is enough kill kill almost any champ (tanks not included). this would just be another ult for Jax. a good jax player might even build this before trin force.
Donamir (3) | June 3, 2012 7:12am
Wish this was still around so when Jax breaks the game with his 2 second dodge, that was removed from all champs, would be nice to be like EFF YOU! Plus I just liked the AS over most other items, and the active 30arm pen would be nice to take tanks by surprise. But alas, it is kinda out shown by wits end, malady, and madrids. This was one of my favorite items.
Angus Mackenzie (7) | January 22, 2012 9:34pm
Calibern (34) | September 4, 2011 1:30pm
This works great if you pop it before using Xin's ult.
IONIA_Shall_Not_Fall (4) | July 8, 2011 9:11pm
Sometimes I get this on a Yi, 4 attk speed and Armpen.. I also get this 4 Say a Jax, To Rape the other Jax in the enemy Team ... :P
ExamplePrime (33) | November 17, 2010 3:27pm
**** YOU JAX!
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