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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Twin Shadows

Twin Shadows
Total Price: 2400 | Recipe Price: 650 | Sell Price: 1680

LoL Item: Twin Shadows
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 70 Ability Power
  • 7% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Active: Spectral Pursuit - Summons 2 Spooky Ghosts that hunt down nearby champions, revealing them and Haunting them on contact. Haunted enemies are slowed by 40% for up to 5 seconds based on the distance the ghosts travel. (90 second cooldown).
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 70 Ability Power
  • 7% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Active: Spectral Pursuit - Summons 2 Spooky Ghosts that hunt down nearby champions, revealing them and Haunting them on contact. Haunted enemies are slowed by 40% for up to 5 seconds based on the distance the ghosts travel. (90 second cooldown).

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DaRealWario (2) | June 12, 2014 11:59am
This item is OP on Soraka and Heimerdnger :3
jasongo09298 (1) | September 7, 2013 6:00am
Useful for chasing when your a support. Just too high cd but great item.
SmokedCarpenter (53) | April 29, 2013 9:17pm
Gold831 wrote:

It does NOT reveal stealthed targets like Rengar, Eve etc.
Kinda fail

It doesnt technically reveal but I know for a fact if used on Twitch while he is stealthed you can just follow the ghost around until he comes out of stealth. I'm only assuming you can do the same for other stealth champs.
Guardiance (1) | February 20, 2013 6:48pm
Lampi wrote:

too high cd for a reveal + slow mostly ppl will use it to catch up at chasing tho and to use it for facecheck it has a way too high cd.

drop the slow if you want and just reveal them but with 60 sec it will be viable in my opinion.

but i'll test it when it comes on the normal server~

Justinianian (3) | December 29, 2012 5:33pm
This item is VERY useful if your pushing a lane hard.
Gold831 | December 14, 2012 12:14pm
It does NOT reveal stealthed targets like Rengar, Eve etc.
Kinda fail
Lampi (11) | December 5, 2012 3:14am
too high cd for a reveal + slow mostly ppl will use it to catch up at chasing tho and to use it for facecheck it has a way too high cd.

drop the slow if you want and just reveal them but with 60 sec it will be viable in my opinion.

but i'll test it when it comes on the normal server~
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