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Home // News // League of Legends Patch 13.23 Summary

League of Legends Patch 13.23 Summary

Patch 13.23 is here with various champion changes, system updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

The patch features changes from champions to turret gold. Champions like Briar and Jarvan IV have been nerfed, and on the other side champions such as Draven and Janna have received buffs. Patch 13.23 also introduces some new changes towards the way Riot IDs are handled, this time we're moving away from Summoner names into newer and better names.

Along with all of the above, a few champions in ARAM have been buffed and some have been nerfed together with an adjustment arriving to Ashe. Finally, this patch also includes changes towards how turrets will work.

Have you been enjoying Honey recently? A new slew of honey related skins are now available! Add Beezcrank, King Beegar or even Bee'koz to your collection! Or, if you're a connoisseur, then you can snag them all!

Summary Infographic created by Riot

Upcoming Skins

Beezcrank (1350 RP)

King Beegar (1350 RP)

Bee'Koz (1350 RP)

Upcoming Chromas


King Beegar


That's Everything!

This was our MOBAFire summary of the 13.23 changes arriving to League of Legends, good luck in the new patch!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide